Kent St. Game - Feel the Heat

<p>Game time temperature for this Saturday’s game is predicted to be 103 degrees. On the field it may be in the 120’s and similar in the stands when 102,000 people cram the stadium. I went to a game in DC under similar conditions and they were carting away fans in droves by ambulance - even players.</p>

<p>This is a good time to use precaution (young and old alike) and avoid alcohol and drink water/gatorade before, during, and after the game.</p>

<p>Enjoy the game, but be smart. Even for those that are used to the heat, these will be conditions like you have NEVER experienced.</p>

<p>Note that the networks determined this game time as I’m sure Saban and UA would much prefer to play at night.</p>

<p>Thanks for posting this.</p>

<p>Oh my gosh, MaBama, that is brutal. I was the “water-person” for my son’s JV football team out here in AZ so I have seen kids baking alive in all that gear, but we are fairly used to it. Too bad TV rules. Now both teams will have the heat as an opponent! :frowning: But the heat is no match for the Tide!</p>


<p>Ugh…the heat!!! </p>

<p>I imagine the stands will look empty in areas as people are in the concession areas watching on TVs there in the shade.</p>

<p>Pray for a weather change!!!</p>

<p>We’ve been telling D that she’s going to have to start hydrating the day before the game ever since someone on here (NJBama?) mentioned the start time last month. Those kids who are partying Friday night & plan on pre-gaming early Saturday morning are gonna be the ones that feel it big time!</p>