Tickets for the opening game against Kent St just got cheaper

<p>SEC just announced kickoff for that game will be at 11:20 AM UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH</p>

<p>Last year we got lucky in that all our early home games were in the evening. This year we aren’t so lucky. </p>

<p>Make sure you pack some sunscreen for your kids. They’ll need it that day.</p>

<p>And water. I almost had a heat stroke once at an early-kickoff game.</p>

<p>That will be my first ever college football game…any advice on how I prepare for such an event, other than the sunscreen and water?</p>

<p>Dress light, wear a hat, stay away from alcohol before and during the game, drink lots of water, wear some sunscreen. </p>

<p>Other than that I don’t know what to tell you. I know they pull a lot of people (students too) out on stretchers at these early season afternoon games due to heat stroke. If you feel faint or anything then head to the tunnel and out of the sun. There are first aid stations set up throughout the stadium as well.</p>

<p>My first game was in 1990 against Southern Miss at Legion Field in B’ham. People still talk about that game as one of, if not, the hottest games ever. And to make matters worse we lost the game. Ughhh</p>

<p>Do my eyes deceive me? Did NJ just say “stay away from alcohol”?</p>

<p>^ well, just before and during the game… can make up for it afterwards!

<p>Pray for an overcast-but-not-humid day…or one with a breeze!</p>

<p>My first game at Bama and I’m supposed to stay away from alcohol? Yeah, right…</p>

<p>(Just kidding, I’m really not a big drinker, although I do feel like beer is an integral part of game day.)</p>

<p>I thought these kind of games were reserved for the lower tier of college football, ya know Kentucky, Miss. St., Vandy, etc. Surprised Bama can’t tell the networks when we want to play rather than the other way around. I know we have done that in the past. What has changed? NJersey? Any ideas?</p>

<p>The new contract with ESPN is what has changed. They want us on tv as much as possible. Obviously we weren’t getting a prime time slot with Kent St so we had to take the early slot which used to be the Jefferson Pilot game. If we didn’t get this slot it would’ve been a PPV game. </p>

<p>And I would NEVER tell anyone to refrain from alcohol during a game day. But it would be prudent to keep it in moderation or wait until after the game on Sept 3rd. If history holds to form it will be HOT HOT HOT that day. I hate those early afternoon games because it really cuts down on the pre game tailgating. But in this instance, the reduced pre game drinking time might be a good thing. And you can always make up for it later that night :-)</p>

<p>I like the way you think, NJ. : )</p>

<p>This will certainly be a change from what I’m used to…by the second or third game of the season up here, we are all bundled up in jeans, uggs, sweatshirts, jackets, scarves, and huddling together with hot chocolate.</p>

<p>11:20 am (more like 9:30 am) might be a little early to start drinking anyways…</p>

<p>While it might be tempting to just look outside and see what the weather is doing, the weather can be deceiving. Just hope it doesn’t rain like the last North Texas Game or the LSU game two years ago.</p>