Missouri Game Weather

<p>I know we have a few posters who are Missouri residents & that a large contingent of UA supporters will be going to campus for the game this coming Saturday. Please keep your eyes and ears on the weather as I’ve already read a number of forecasts that are talking about some severe weather in the area Friday into Saturday.</p>

<p>At this point, the weather forecast is saying a 60% chance of thunderstorms. It won’t stop us from cheering on the Crimson Tide! RTR!</p>

<p>DH talked to Mike Alden about a hour ago. Mizzou will have a plan in place for the possibility of severe weather. Before each home game they announce a plan if weather should hit. Both the KC weather men and James Spann are predicting severe storms…hoping it will hold off until later in the afternoon but judging by the fluctuations in temps we will probably get storms…fingers crossed they are not severe! I too will be cheering on the Tide rain or shine…my DH and DS will be sporting Mizzou rain gear :(…</p>

<p>My grey UA raingear (no idea why they picked that color) is ready to go… :(</p>

<p>I have a crimson poncho but it is fleece lined and I have a feeling it will be too warm to wear.</p>

<p>I am just hoping it all blows through before or after and is not an issue!</p>

<p>“mommy”: Any good advice on where to park? I definitely want to swing by and say hey to ya’ll!!!</p>

<p>rolltide90…here’s a link to Mizzou Game Day…it give some parking info.
[MizzouGameday.com</a> - Maps & Directions](<a href=“http://www.mutigers.com/gameday/getting-here-maps-directions.html]MizzouGameday.com”>The Fifth Down. The Flea-Kicker. 4.8 Seconds. The page you wanted. - University of Missouri Athletics)
In the days before we had a parking pass we would park at either the Phi Psi house on Providence or the Phi Delt house behind them. They will gouge you at $30 to $40 to park (gotta make beer money one way or another) but then it’s just a walk down Providence…cut through the dorms and their parking lot and go under the tunnel and you will come out at the north end of the stadium. It’s not much farther to our tailgate from there.
See you Saturday! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Sorry we couldn’t get over to see you guys… :frowning: The weather definitely was a factor. We stayed for the whole game though, and through it all we still had an absolute blast! We will connect one of these days!!!</p>