Kerry = lesser of two evils and thus should have been elected.

<p>Guys, whether you are a Republican or Democrat but as long as you are educated, you know about all the negative things Bush has done in the past from high school until now with the War in Iraq. I mean I could go on and on about his list from WMDs to Where's Osama and I can provide millions of web links criticizing Bush with tons of evidence. I am sure that you can also a compile a list about Kerry, but it would be SHORTER!</p>

<p>Thus, would you not agree that Kerry is the lesser of two evils and thus should have been elected President? I simply cannot imagine whether you are Democrat or Republican that you can refute my first paragraph about Bush and Kerry.</p>

<p>I'm sure you could provide more web links on Bush than Kerry, because, as you know, Bush is president and Kerry is not, hence no one outside of Mass. really cares what Kerry is doing at the moment. </p>

<p>Also, you're posing a very hypothetical question, Kerry, who at this time would already be thinking about reelection and the 06 elections, so he would probably be making very safe "hold the line" type decisions until 06 and hope the Dems retook Congress.</p>

<p>Plus, I'm happy with the Supreme Court nominees, and I doubt I would feel the same way about Kerry's picks, so meh, I'm content with Bush right now.</p>

<p>Sure Bush has done a lot of negative things. But you are talking about a completely hypothetical situation is. Fact is Bush was elected and we can't change that. And he was also reelected. By no means do I "support" Bush, but on certain issues I would much rather have him in office than Kerry. And on another note I know quite a few people who wouldn't agree with your first paragraph. It's all a matter of opinion. Some people will support the president no matter what, like soldiers following a general into battle.</p>

<p>you can only compare failry if Kerry has been president before.</p>

<p>Well, if someone who has done as heinous acts that Bush has committed, not to mention, things which have been constantly publicized, I know that you will argue that it is not fair that Kerry has not been president before, but at least, give another guy the chance when one has failed!</p>

<p>I'm not sure where you're from. But those people out in America re-elected him. And I agree he has done some heinous and ridiculous things and I personally don't even like him or a lot of his policies etc. I just find this an unfair argument.</p>

<p> one ever said the people in our country are intelligent.</p>

<p>either way he wasn't elected so just hold your tongue until 2008.</p>

<p>Bush looks very sorry right now indeed, with the 2000th KIA in Iraq, the hurricanes, and the Supreme Court mess. Though I'm sure Mr. Kerry would love nothing more than to win the White House, perhaps he is somewhat glad that he dodged the proverbial bullet. He can always try again in 2008, although he'll be pretty old by then.</p>

<p>I agree with OP^^^^</p>

<p>maybe you should include Gore should have been elected too...</p>

<p>go ralph nader. i am a non republican and non democrat.</p>

<p>I don't see how anyone thinks that just "being satisfied with our president" is a good decision especially now in some of our hardest times as a nation. We need a non-partisan Lincoln/FDR/Washington to rise above the GWB (non-partisan related, he has completely destroyed our reputation and it wasn't him alone, it's our fault too. I think the nation will look back in shame on these times in history books.) created madness and sweep us back up. We're not the top anymore. Rome fell. The US will too if it continues its continuing trek toward self-demolition. Anyone who is happy with GWB has got another thing coming to them. Chances are you aren't even ashamed or worried. You're too rich or to blindsided by partisan beliefs to see how he is tearing our nation to shreads of its former self. Patriot Act? Maybe when I'm proud of the way my country is behaving (which isn't a fascist, theocratic, indoctrinated, propaganda-controlled, corporation-mongering, territory-hogging bully who cannot feel humility with its former greatness), I'll become one.</p>

<p>Also Kerry was the other side of the same coin (he and Bush were skull & bones, just 2 years apart!) so I wasn't rooting for him either.</p>

<p>i would just like to agree with the people who find your argument faulty.</p>

<p>You can't compare the actions of one person with what you think the actions of another person would be.</p>

<p>I bet you can't find anything online or in any newspaper or magazine criticizing me. Well. at least no more than two. Does that mean I should be president?</p>