Kinesiology 154: Self-defense for Men

<p>Has anybody’s kid taken this class or know when it will be offered again?</p>

<p>KIN 154. Self Defense for Men. 1 sem. hr.</p>

<p>When was the last time you saw in on the schedule? It hasn’t been offered for some time now (couple of years?). Sounds like a great class! :wink: If your’all sons contact the department, I’m sure they would run it again, based on demand. (What is the possessive form of y’all?!)
This is also a great reminder that the KIN Self Defense for Women class is offered each and every semester - a couple of the sessions are taught by the UA Police Dept. If I had a daughter at UA, I would highly recommend her taking this! </p>

<p>Thanks, @aeromom‌. It’s actually listed in the online listing of courses offered in the Kinesiology department: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;. Not sure where DS saw it. </p>

<p>Nonetheless, according to the Kinesiology chairman, the class isn’t being offered any longer. Not sure why.</p>