
<p>Hey everyone and congrats!
I'm excited about Purdue my dad is kind of skeptical.
I told him I got accepted and he didn't seem to thrilled because he said he knows Purdue is a great school, but he thinks for engineering. He says for business it's not that good. I told him no it was, and its just a bit overshadowed by the engineering school and if I got a degree from there it would be a respected degree.</p>

<p>How else do I convince him Krannert is a good b-school.
Anyone know the job placement rate there?</p>


<p>Purdue is a good all-around school, not just engineering.</p>

<p>Hell, I go to a high school ranked 47th in the nation, out of over 10,000 high schools in the United States.</p>

<p>I got a 4.1 weighted GPA, and a 2150 on the SAT.</p>

<p>It’s not that well-known outside of engineering, because of its ties with nasa(neil armstrong), aviation discoveries ect.</p>

<p>but people have told me it has excellent programs in other areas.</p>

<p>Hell, i’m going in as a history major. Not to brag or anything, but I have higher stats than people going in as engineering majors.</p>

<p>Krannert’s Undergrad. Program according to US News & World Report 09 </p>

<h1>4 – Production/Operations Management</h1>

<h1>4 – Quantitative Analysis/Methods</h1>

<h1>8 – Supply Chain Management/Logistics</h1>

<h1>16 – Management Information Systems</h1>

<h1>21 – Overall</h1>

<p>Job Placement/Average Salary for Krannert Grads/Interns in '08 with Comparison in '07:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Have to remember that almost every school had a slump in their average job placement rate in '08 and '09. When things get back to normal, most likely by the time you graduate it will have it’s good job placement rate back in schedule like in '07. </p>

<p>Purdue has a great Study Abroad program also along with student diversity. Employers love to see students who are used to diversity, since the business world has a lot of interaction with people of different ethnicities. I do know that Krannert offers different kinds of Study Abroads since two of my friends went to Hong Kong, China and Taiwan. For one of them, it was a life changing experience because he wasn’t used to different cultures and food.</p>

<p>Your dad is correct to a certain extent. Being in the top 10 and top 25 are totally different things. I am a graduate of Krannert and I can’t say that it compares to our top 5 engineering school. However, that does not mean it’s not a good business school. Your dad probably just thinks that it’s okay and if you compare it to the engineering school or a top ranked business school and that is true. However, it is still a great school to graduate from and the job placement is good. And to be honest, I wasn’t that thrilled when I got accepted into Krannert b/c getting into Purdue just isn’t that hard so your dad has another right to be skeptical. But IF you graduate, and that’s a big IF, then you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>Haha why wouldn’t I graduate?</p>

<p>Also Jim,
You state those rankings but those aren’t majors right?
The only 4 majors are Accounting, Management, Industrial Management and Economics right?
That’s kind of a downside to Purdue, they don’t have a Finance major or Marketing etc, making the options of Krannert less.
I don’t understand why they wouldn’t have those majors.
any thoughts?</p>

<p>I’m not too sure, but those programs are specifically ranked by US News. Hopefully, msl2008 can clarify this since he’s a graduate from Krannert? I’m assuming that those four majors you listed are the actually majors, with the programs I listed as “Specialties” or Concentrations? I’m not sure either and I don’t want to give a wrong answer. I can ask my friend who’s in Upper Div. Econ. but I’m not sure if she would know.</p>

<p>For my day on campus, when I was in the drawing room, the first thing the dean told us was to look to the right and left. Then he said, “Only one of you will graduate from Krannert in 4 years.” Funny enough…that turned out to be true. Though to be fair I think about 2/3 of the people do graduate within 6 but the debt for the extra 2 years is kind of a lot. </p>

<p>In terms of not having a Finance major or Marketing, can you explain what you want to do in terms of a job? There are plenty of grads I know in a variety of fields so even though Krannert doesn’t offer those majors, if that’s what you want to do if you do well at Krannert there’s no reason why you can’t get those jobs. Most people think it’s always about the school and major and to some extent it is. However, at the end of the day, everything comes down to how well you do in terms of networking, grades, etc. The school and major just helps you get there. But if you are looking at the average Krannert student, I would say yes it is harder to get an Ibanking job if you graduate from Krannert vs another top college but definitely not impossible.</p>

<p>also op…i just read your stats in another thread…3.3 gpa and 1050 SAT…you’re going to have to work harder when you get to purdue business b/c honestly the people i knew with those scores all ended up getting weeded out of the intro to accounting class and had to switch to another major…just a fair warning.</p>

<p>Good ole MGMT 200, the nightmare of every student that has to take it. lol</p>

<p>Oh wow, really? I have to take it next semester… haha. Is it really that bad?</p>

<p>(Sorry for getting off-topic)</p>

I don’t know exactly what I want to do yet. That’s why having those majors would keep my options open.
I know but my SAT really doesn’t depict a solid image of me, on many many practice tests I didn’t score under a 1160 but I guess the time constraint and it actually being the real deal affects me. I can and I will work hard wherever I end up but I do want a place where I can be situated well for post graduation.</p>

<p>boilermaker13, </p>

<p>yup I heard it’s bad from almost EVERYONE. if you can understand the stuff really well then congrats. the other downside to it is that it’s offered only in the mornings. there were two sections now I heard, 730’s is when it’s ALWAYS offered and sometimes when its the only one offered. heard they have a 930 class too now… or 1030… I forgot but yeah the times when they are offered makes life hell. the class material is pretty bad too I hear. I’m sure if you can understand everything well, you can make good money from tutoring other students lol.</p>

<p>Yup, there’s a 7:30 class and an 8:30 class. I (luckily) got into the 8:30. I heard that it’s more boring than anything, and pretty much impossible to stay awake. I never really heard that it’s <em>that</em> difficult.</p>

<p>I guess it all depends for everyone but I believe the class averages for the class are quite low… Can’t really say anything else since I haven’t taken it myself but I should have if I stayed…</p>


<p>because it is boring and early, lots of students fall asleep and the material that they teach is not what you’re used to growing up. debits and credits are basically nothing what you think they are and journal entries can be confusing at first. also, it’s curved so that usually i think an 86 or so is an A because the averages on the exams are about 66-68…</p>

<p>As an engineering major, I took mgmt 200 and mgmt 201 as electives. They provided a nice respite.</p>


<p>I’m in that MGMT200 8:30 class next semester too… I heard it can be tough but if you study the practice exams that they have then you’ll do a lot better in the course</p>