L&C Insight

<p>My daughter applied EA to L&C and received a generous offer that she is mulling over. I was curious how people interpret this passage from PR:</p>

<p>The academics here are what you make of them, and the course load "can be incredibly simple or very rigorous or challenging" depending on your choice.</p>

<p>She would choose the latter and I was wondering how she might avail herself of that experience.</p>

<p>Are they saying this about themselves? Eek.</p>

<p>Hmm. Is that from an old PR? I can’t find anything like that online. I’m sure there are some majors where students can skate a little, but in my mind student learning at ALL colleges is based on how the student applies him/herself. My D loves it there and has a challenging major and two minors. The staff are very supportive.</p>

<p>It’s a quote from The Best 373 Colleges – 2011 Edition.</p>

<p>I believe the college is cost conscious and supports finishing your degree in 4 years, so I don’t know about incredibly simple. All I know is that my son took between 16 and 20 credits each semester, which included multiple science courses during the same semester. We encouraged him not to over tax himself, but he seemed to handle it easily. After he figured out the workload in his first semester, he also had up to 3 part-time jobs at the school. </p>

<p>I’d suggest your daughter take a normal load for her first semester and maybe a part-time job. In later semesters, she can add to her load if she figures she can handle it.</p>