Reasons to Choose Lewis & Clark?

<p>Hi, my daughter was accepted to L&C with a good scholarship offer, but she's disappointed that she didn't get into the other, more selective schools on her list. She's worried that L&C might seem like a step down from the other schools. Personally, I think L&C would be great for her. She's extremely bright, creative, musical, and loves academic discussions, but she's always been a bit different from other kids -- the type of person that zigs when others zag.</p>

<p>I was wondering if anyone on this forum could give some reasons why you would choose L&C over other schools, or why you like/don't like L&C.</p>


<p>Well, L&C was my dd's top choice, so she's thrilled to have been accepted there. She's also bright, funny, and a bit different. </p>

<p>Where did your dd apply that she didn't get into?</p>

<p>L&C is well known for its strong international/study abroad programs.</p>

<p>vossron, that's what attracted my dd. And she was very impressed when she got a call from the department chair to see if she had any questions about the program, or the school.</p>

<p>WestCoaster, is your dd planning on attending the accepted students weekend (I think there is one in April?). Mine can't, but we visited L&C last spring. Has she tried to make contact with any current students or faculty?</p>

<p>A friend's son goes there and loves it. He's gotten involved in academic-community projects that have been amazing and have prompted him in thinking about career goals.</p>

<p>Westcoaster, your D sounds like my own DD2. Very different, quiet, thoughtful, bright, maddening (oh wait, that's my feeling leaking out). L&C was DD2's second choice but moved up when Carleton waitlisted her. What she was looking for in her search was "quirky" and "geeky". She is very much looking forward to L&C. She visited last spring break and fell in love with the environs and Portland.</p>

<p>Oh yes, proximity to Portland and good public transportation were also things that were very important to my dd. She also wanted to attend a school where she felt like she'd have a "life" beside school. She had looked at Reed also, and felt that just wasn't for her.</p>

<p>Thanks to everyone for your responses so far. Erin's Dad, it's ironic that your d's first choice was Carleton, since that was my alma mater. Of course, my d wouldn't think of applying to Carleton given that mom went there. (yes, my d's a bit maddening as well!)</p>

<p>CA Mom -- she got waitlisted at Reed and Oberlin, rejected at Vassar (her first choice) and Wesleyan. Still haven't heard from a couple.</p>

<p>It's funny, we did visit the campus last summer, and she loved it. I think it's just the disappointment with respect to the other schools that's making L&C seem "lesser" in her mind. You know, "why would I want to join a club that wants me as a member? Must not be any good."</p>

<p>She is, in fact, very interested in studying abroad, so that aspect of L&C appeals to her. Plus, she liked Portland when we visited last summer. L&C seems to offer the best of both worlds -- easy access to a city without feeling like an urban school.</p>

<p>I have a son who attended L & C and one who attends Oberlin. They both major in bio. When they come home and get into discussions, I don't find that my L&C son has any trouble keeping up with the Oberlin one. Their class grades are pretty similar actually. The are both very different kinds of kids. The Obie loves the music aspects of his school and the Pioneer loved all of the outdoor opportunities at L&C. The Obie would like to have the same city opportunities that his brother had, but loves Oberlin nonetheless. And L&C is a GEORGEOUS campus.</p>