L&S Honor's Application Advice

<p>I've been working on my application for honors now for about three weeks or so. There are 3 essay responses (One about a diversity of opinion in shaping one's beliefs, one on a magazine that you are writing for...it wants the name of the mag and the first paragraphs of an article, and finally one on an artifact that has changed you in some way. </p>

<p>So any just general advice about the application (either on the essays or just in general)? Any thoughts on the L&S Honor's Program as a whole? Does anyone know the likelihood of getting accepted? How many people here are applying?</p>

<p>Just wanted to add (I’m also applying) if anybody knows when they will notify of acceptance or not?</p>

<p>I believe it said on an e-mail that we would be notified 3 or so weeks after applying.</p>

<p>i’m in l&s honors. i don’t think it’s that selective; and if you don’t get in now, you can always get in later. it’s not that big a thing and the requirements are actually slightly annoying (since there aren’t that many humanities honors classes, but i guess you can convert other courses into honors if you ask your professor). but it’s nice to be able to get into those smaller honors classes; you can always drop the honors later if you don’t wanna do it anymore anyway.</p>

<p>i actually got accepted pretty soon after applying, but your mileage may vary. bottom line is it’s not that big a thing if you don’t get accepted now since it’s pretty easy getting in later (assuming getting >=3.3 is something you’d consider easy), and the honors program here doesn’t have that much prestige anyways methinks</p>

<p>Don’t obsess about the essays. Just get them done. I agree about getting into the Honors Program not being that difficult- jump through the hoops. The caliber of your essay should show interest but it isn’t a scholarship competition so don’t waste too much time. Some of us hate to write, are perfectionists or are best in math/science. It is worth taking Honors courses and getting the perks as a freshman. But- easy in/easy out so not a monumental decision. You do Honors for yourself- to take the courses/sections offered.</p>

<p>I found out I got accepted yesterday…</p>

<p>So what kind of things do you do in the Honors Program?</p>

<p>The major aspect is taking Honors courses or Honors sections of courses. The advantage in joining as a new freshman recently has been in the optional activities and book sent over the summer. Review the program details on its website. You can sign up to get Honors program emails of monthly events/news as well (anyone can get these by signing up on the UW L&S Honors Program website). You get an Honors advisor for SOAR. btw- these professors know some tricks to getting classes that are closed at the time… You don’t lose anything by joining and have benefits. A vastly upgraded program since my day- then the courses and advising were about the only things available. The structure is one of offering you various optional, helpful activities- no obligations.</p>

<p>@Jenny1Penny: When did you send in your application? What were your stats (Test scores, GPA, etc)? I applied too and have been eagerly waiting to hear back. Did you hear via email or snail mail?</p>

<p>Wisc2015: I sent it in like the day before it was due. I think they said it would take about 3 weeks to notify applicants.
Stats: GPA - 4.0; ACT 32; had a lot of extra-curriculars, work experience, volunteer experience
My essays reflected the values that the Honors Program stood for
I heard back from regular mail (snail mail)</p>

<p>I think you should be hearing back soon. Good Luck!</p>

<p>My daughter submitted her application a few days before her March 1st due date. She received an acceptance letter in the mail on Saturday (about 2 weeks wait time).</p>

<p>I just got my acceptance letter today after submitting it a few days before March 1st.</p>

<p>I have a question, though. Are all the courses you take in the honors program or can you also take classes outside of it? Is there a number of classes you have to take in the program?</p>

<p>So if we have not applied for the Honors program yet, when is the next chance to apply?</p>

<p>I know that the dates for admission have already passed for the 2011 semester, but I was wondering if anyone still had the exact essay questions that were asked on the L&S Honors application–I would REALLY appreciate it if you did! Please reply to this post if you have the questions and I will either give you my email address or you can put them directly into the post.</p>

<p>If anyone still has them, please help me out! Thank you!</p>

<p>1) What is the role of conflict and diversity of ideas in shaping one’s conclusions? How can one remain intellectually open to opposing ideas while still retaining one’s own identity and/or beliefs?</p>

<p>2) Imagine that you are editor of a magazine or journal in the fall of 2029. What would be the name of the magazine or journal? Draft the opening paragraphs of the lead article for that month. Discuss why you selected that topic.</p>

<p>3) Describe and discuss something (an aspect of nature, music, art, an interpersonal interaction or something from the manufactured world) that excited your passion. Why did you react strongly to this particular experience or object and how has this affected or shaped you in the long run?</p>

<p>~300 words each</p>

<p>Thank you so much! I can’t even describe how grateful I am right now!</p>