L&S Honors Program

<p>First off, I would like to say Go Badgers! What a comeback tonight! </p>

<p>As the college application season starts to wind down, it looks as if I will probably be attending UW next year. I couldn't be more excited and proud to be a Badger!</p>

<p>I recently was accepted to the L&S Honors Program. The website does provide some useful information but I was wondering if a current or past student could elaborate on his/her experience in the L&S Honors program. I plan to transfer to the School of Business, so my degree most likely will not be in the College of L&S so I was wondering if being an honors student for the College of L&S is kind of pointless. Maybe other students who were accepted could post about what the expect from this program or of anything that they have heard about it.</p>

<p>I can't wait to cheer for the Badgers on the 27th. On Wisconsin!</p>

<p>Congrats! Parent of L&S Honors student here, so I can pass along what my student has shared. One advantage is that he has Honors discussions section with the prof, which he has really enjoyed. Writing a paper in one of his Honors classes, he had emailed the prof over the weekend with a question about his argument, but didn’t really expect an answer. The prof emailed back, and they wrote back and forth about the issue for a while. Not everyone is going to do that, but it was impressive. Honors program offers pizza with casual talks by profs at Washburn, not that my student has taken advantage of that. There is also separate advising through Honors program, which can be another opportunity for advice and support, and can be particularly valuable for SOAR (summer registration). Another advantage could be taking an Honors FIG, if there is one that interests you. My student did a regular FIG fall freshman year and found it a great introduction to UW. At least his freshman year, Honors students got to reserve their FIG choice before SOAR, so he didn’t need to wonder whether he was going to get blocked out of it. </p>

<p>I can understand that, if you intend to enter the B school, L&S Honors might have limited long term value. However, as a parent, I think that any program which helps integrate new students into the life of the university, such as Honors, is valuable even for that limited purpose. Good luck, and congrats. </p>

<p>Thank you so much for the helpful information! </p>

<p>Being in the Honors program means being able to take any Honors courses available. Consider those for meeting your breadth requirements and any courses required for a business major. The value can be in taking the best versions of courses- interacting with peers who also choose to get the most out of their academics as possible. I and decades later, son took Honors courses that did not relate to our respective majors. Look for Honors versions of courses, you won’t be disappointed with them.</p>