Ladies and Gentlemen the perfect education system. Click now, right here, to read it

<p>Hi all. I have thought of a perfect education system. This is it:</p>

<p>Every kid will have a computer, and all learning will be on the computer, like EPGY. One proctored final test at the end, just to make sure you know the stuff. Pass/fail, no grades; kids will then be motivated by learning. Because no need for teachers and schools, their can be thousands of courses, and so kids can learn what interest them. Also, no grades means so stupid competition, so ALL kids will have good self esteem, not just the ones who get good grades. Also, learn at your own pace.</p>

<p>Computers are especially good because they can guide you though everything. For ex. to learn derivatives, it will tell you step1, step 2, etc.</p>

<p>Also, their will be classes and lectures etc. done by prof. if the content cannot be thought on a computer.</p>

<p>Additionally, kids will do long papers on subjects that interest them with an adult, who is a researcher. Instead of college classes where the prof just teaches, all prof will teach a small number of kids individually. Also, people can learn at their own pace on the computer, so everyone can learn; no one left out.</p>

<p>Also, their will be no colleges in the formal sense. Just learning and research centers in the community, where the kids go to learn with a prof. and prof. do research and such. No competition. The community will be based around learning.</p>

<p>This would also be part of a socialist system.</p>

<p>What so you think?</p>

<p>I approve.</p>

What so [sic] you think?


I think you would benefit from a grammar class.

Also, their [sic] will be classes and lectures etc. done by prof. if the content cannot be thought [sic] on a computer.


Good. That's 90% of my courses.</p>

<p>Your suggestion is far from perfect. College is much more than lectures. Class discussions are equally important, which is one reason so many CC posters are trying to get into colleges with the best and brightest students.</p>

<p>let's avoid this at all costs.</p>

<p>Depends on how you learn. I would hate this system, because I need people to talk to and discuss ideas with. And tests are not my thing anyway.</p>

<p>X_X I'm horrible learning from a computer. I always get distracted and want to do something else while I'm reading something online or writing a paper. For example, right now, I'm suppose to be doing college app essays but I'm going on CC instead. XD</p>

<p>It really depends on each person's style of learning. I don't think that your standardized learning system would work for everyone. For some people yes, but for others, it wouldn't work at all.</p>

<p>I agree with frutiaspice. Computers = distraction!</p>

<p>EEEEEEEEEWWWWWW!!! In my opinion college is more than just accademics. For many students, college is their first real world expirience without Mommy and Daddy. Many people like the typical college atmosphere. I doubt that the majority of the college bound population would approve such a situation.</p>

<p>Take online courses at the University of Phoenix, or some other online college if you'd like to avoid society.</p>

<p>But you only use the computer to learn the basic information. You still have to write papers with an expert. </p>

<p>Also, the computer will be VERY interactive. Unlink in school, you constantly have to type in answers, fill out the equation, etc. Also, the courses will have a human talking, pre recorded. In fact, most schools for mentally retarded kids use a lot of such computer activity because it is so much more interactive. </p>

<p>Also, I have taken a total of 6 colleges courses (I’m currently in high school) and ALL of them could be thought better on a computer, except for my philosophy course—but their will discussions outside the computer, too. </p>

<p>The best part is the lack of grades and competition. Currently you go to school to get good grades for college. But with my system, you learn for the pleasure of it. </p>

<p>The society will be based around learning, and research. </p>

<p>Also, most of you seem rather unknowledgeable about world cultures. In most cultures, you stay with your family till you marry. I think that this is better than leaving home so early.</p>

<p>Ahaha, personally I would not want to be with my family until I marry. I'm ready to live life! :) Love the parents, but I want to experience a little life on my own. Also, computers do not give you the experience needed with interacting with others and learning to work together. Which, for a society, I believe is important. And I already mentioned that I learn more from class discussions than written lectures or what not.</p>

<p>^^^^ You will still work with others on research. But now, no one feels inferior of stupid becase they like diferent subjects or learn differently. </p>

<p>Also, have any of you hearn of a BAD TEACHER?????? I had A LOT. I know how it is to not learn anything in school. Millions of kids do, in fact. Maby not everyone has access to preppy private schools, you know. This system will gove everyone a better opportunity to learn. </p>

<p>None of you who strongly disagree have had teachers who don't teach.</p>

<p>I've had some bad teachers. But you're right, I've mostly had really good teachers. So I propose that instead of replacing teachers with computers, teachers get paid more so they have a bigger incentive for teaching well.</p>

<p>That seems very stupid (even from coming from a person who person who prefers lectures to small discussions)</p>

<p>Wait, so just because your school has bad teachers, you want to deprive others of great teachers? Are you trying to propose an ideal educational system, or are you just jealous of others... Obviously, a better educational system would involve highly qualified teachers instead of no teachers at all.</p>

<p>Wow, so everyone leans the same thing that is set up by one outside, governing body who essentially dictates everything that goes into our brains!?</p>

<p>Hello 1984.</p>

<p>I don't think zipper's concept is "stupid", as bobmallet1 stated, but perhaps radical. I just personally believe that it couldn't work. Perhaps the grading system could be improved, instead.</p>

<p>Chaps, </p>

<p>I go to a very good public school. An IB, nationally recognized school, for that matter. </p>

<p>I am NOT stupid. I know exactly how computer courses work--I took several EPGY Courses. </p>

<p>Also, </p>


<p>****even though I'm in high school</p>


<p>And my system is very good. </p>

<p>Have any of you visited developing countries, or inner city schools?</p>

<p>And still I had some bad teachers.</p>

<p>Hmmm did you happen to go to IHS? The school you are describing sounds like the school I am currently going to. I am also taking psych. Since you are taking psych, you should know that people need social interaction, not computers. And why do you have two forums for one topic? Confusing!</p>

<p>Yes, I was born in Uzbekistan, and visited an English class there. Your system of computers is already being used for developing countries. As for the US, this would not be a good system.</p>

<p>^^^ I'm taking Psy at the university. And no I don't go to IHS. </p>

<p>I know a lot about learning psychology, and the most debilitating thing to a child is to feel inferior to everyone else. Schools make kids feel that way, computers don't. </p>

<p>And yes, their will be PLENTY of human interaction. Only a SMALL (4 hs. day) will be spent on the computer, the rest discussion, research, etc. </p>

<p>THANKS for all the comments!</p>

<p>I an planning on becoming a dictator, and I want to know how to best run the education system.</p>