<p>Fellow apointees, have you taken this test yet? How hard do you think it is? 2 years of language, 3 years of language, 4? Just curious.</p>
<p>I took spanish my freshman and sophomore year... and I know I didn't ace it that test =] haha.</p>
<p>lol, yea, I havent taken spanish since junior year..so this could be rough. lol.</p>
<p>Which ones can y'all take early?</p>
<p>Spanish and german... neither of which I have taken since the sixth grade. Apparently french isn't valued high enough to have its own placement exam :P</p>
<p>Naw, I took Japanese in BCT. I only remembered Spanish having one beforehand. </p>
<p>Then again French isn't very important anyways. And I took it 3 years in high school.</p>
<p>wow...how did japanese go??</p>
<p>I tested out of the first two semesters. So, went well I thought.</p>
<p>yea well i think i pretty much got the lowest score possible on the german test, haven't had it in over 2 years plus i didn't really learn too much while i took that class.</p>
<p>Did you take any japanese prior to the academy? </p>
<p>Yeah I took one of year of German, not the greatest class, two years ago, so I dont think that test will go well. I took two years of italian which is a lot like spanish, so i might do well on that one.</p>
<p>I lived in Tokyo for 3 years. ;) 4 year hiatus with French, so I still had the equivalent of 2 semesters in my head.</p>
<p>what if we're not planning on taking that language at the academy? they're making it sound like i still need to take it, but what's the point?</p>
<p>You don't have to. You can choose another language, or, if your major allows, none at all. The academy will not force you to take anything you don't want except the core classes (which don't include a language).</p>
<p>So, I guess they have basic classes. For example, if I don't want to take any more french, I could take an introductory level German class, etc. and no prior knowledge of German would be required?</p>
<p>Whoa, you guys have almost the same username- for a second I was confused. Heh, sorry just noticed that :P</p>
<p>sorry i didn't word that question well. i know they won't make me take spanish classes once i'm there, but do i still need to take the online test before i go? again, they're making it sound like if we have any knowledge in that language we need to take the test, but since i'm not planning on taking the classes...</p>
<p>eh you know what it's not really worth worrying about. it's not that long of a test and i don't need to worry about how well i do since i don't want to take the classes anyway.</p>
<p>you don't have to take it.</p>
<p>awesome. thanks! :)</p>
You don't have to. You can choose another language, or, if your major allows, none at all. The academy will not force you to take anything you don't want except the core classes (which don't include a language).
<p>I thought I heard someone say that they were implementing a language requirement for 2011. Any truth to the rumor?</p>
<p>I took the Spanish test about a week ago, by the way. I didn't think it was too hard, but then again I'd taken five years of the language.</p>
<p>hum, good point. I do remember hearing about that. It may happen, but if it does, you should have your choice. (Japanese, Russian, Chinese, Arabic might be harder to get into if they fill them up).</p>