Laptops/Netbooks in lectures?

<p>I brought my laptop to my classes when I took them over the summer. I didn’t at the community college I went to for the past two years as a post-secondary student and I got better grades there but that could just be because it was a community college, haha.
I plan on bringing my laptop with me and turning off the airport so I don’t get distracted.</p>

<p>instead of recording the lecture, you could just… listen the first time it is given.</p>

<p>Or you can do both. Do they really not care if you record it? And how do you record it well from a laptop if you’re not sitting at the very front of the class?</p>



<p>Laptops can be taken anywhere on campus, anywhere in your dorm room, etc. You’re right that college students don’t <em>need</em> laptops, but it’s a lot easier, in my opinion, to have one.</p>



<p>And if you don’t remember something? If English isn’t your first language? I don’t think recording lectures is done instead of listening, but rather in addition to it.</p>



<p>Ask the professor first, but they usually don’t mind at all. It’s helping you learn better, after all. Sometimes students use separate recorders, which might be able to capture the sound better (pure speculation on my part), but I think a part of it is just sitting nearer to the front.</p>