<p>What are you using? Does anybody have any good recommendations for a laptop for a film major? I've got a Dell XPS M140 right now, so I don't mind PCs. I'm willing to try a Mac (if just because of Final Cut Pro), but I'm not very familiar with them and would be a little anxious about getting one. Feel free to try and convince me, though.</p>
<p>Any advice would be great. Price doesn't really matter--affordable or expensive--just whatever you think is best!</p>
<p>Hello - I'm also I film production major and I currently have the middle-range Macbook Pro model. It runs really well - I actually have the Adobe Production Premium CS3 suite right now and I actually prefer Premiere Pro over FCP. I don't think it's necessary to have a mac, especially if you already have a laptop, but if you are in the market for a new laptop, go mac!</p>
<p>S will also be a film production major. His computer geek friend suggested that he buy a desktop iMac for his editing and a regular macbook for other stuff. S had been looking at a Macbook Pro (not sure where in the range), and this option cost about the same as what he was going to spend. </p>
<p>He also bought Avid for his iMac since that's what they use for editing at Chapman. He's been working on his sister's wedding video and hasn't gotten past the learning curve on Avid yet, so I don't think he could say whether he likes it or not. Previously he used Adobe Premiere but he got very frustrated with it.</p>