Last minute chance thread?

<p>I haven't started a single Yale supplement, but I'm ready to plow through them(it's a skill of mine) but at the same time... I'm feeling inadequate.
Should I spend the $75? I'm applying to 8 other schools, 2 of which are ivies, plus UCs I already applied to, so it wouldn't be too costly as a reach.</p>

<p>Hispanic female, English was learned as a second language (I'm fluent in it now), first-gen college student, from CA. High school sends about 2-3 Ivies per class. </p>

<p>-Unweighted GPA: 3.5 / Weighted GPA: 3.8
-Top 16% of class. 74 out of 461</p>

<p>Senior Year Schedule:
AP Gov./AP Econ (One semester each)
AP English Lit
CA History
Reg. Physics
Drama II

*AP Spanish Lang: 5
*AP Euro: 3
*AP USH: 3</li>
*Math: 680
*Writing: 680
*Reading: 750
*Composite: 2110</li>
<li>SAT IIs</li>
<li>Literature: 710</li>
<li>Spanish w/ Listening: 790</li>
<li>US History: 680</li>

- JV Swimming: 10th and 11th grades, 16 hrs per week
- School Newspaper: Copy editor
- 9th grade math tutor
- Volunteer at a non-profit secondhand shop for the American Cancer Society: 48 hours of 2010 summer</p>

-National Hispanic Scholar
-JV Girls' Most Improved Award (11th grade)</p>

<li>C.A Essay is about the lack of support from my parents, how I still appreciate what they did, etc. Been through a good number of editors.</li>

<p>-Rec letters from:
*AP Euro and APUSH teacher: REALLY strong. Never read anything so praising about me, highlighted my poor roots.
*AP Lit teacher: I'm currently the highest scorer in her class, and I had her last year for Creative Writing.</p>

<p>If you don’t apply your chances are zero. But I would also say a 3.5 GPA 2110 SAT Hispanic female, not at the top ranks of your class, isn’t very competitive either.</p>

<p>So should I not waste my time?</p>

<p>considering you only have 4 hours left. No.
Plus it doesn’t seem like you really care about Yale if you decided on the last day to try to apply for it.</p>