Hello, I am a two year College Student who will be applying to schools for fall 2018. I am a business major with a high GPA and will be applying to selective and highly selective schools. After talking to some of my prospective schools I had to make a few changes in my upcoming schedule which included adding a financial accounting course on top of an already rigorous schedule for my fall 2017 semester… My gut feeling is to drop Spanish 1 for this semester in take it for next. HOWEVER, If I do that I will have to do Spanish 2 over the summer.
*** My essential question is; Will not having my foreign language requirements met until literally right before I would be starting at the next school hurt my chances at acceptance? Is there a way to communicate that I will meet the language requirements, just not until the end of summer? ***
My only other options are to drop my Honors Biology class, which may prevent me from graduating with honors, or to take 17 credits of what are mostly rigorous 200 level courses, and risk hurting my GPA.