Late Recommendations

<p>Intending to save paper, I chose to upload all my files electronically. I put my guidance counselor on the recommendation provider list two weeks before Winter Break. He has yet to fill it out. I have the school profile, his recommendation letter, my transcripts, but I don't have the Secondary School Report filled out by him. </p>

<p>Seeing as the deadline is in six days, I simply set him as an offline provider and submitted the application. I am doing the best I can to track him down and get him to fill out the form, but if my luck and time run out -what should I do? </p>

<p>If I can't find him by December 30th, I'm sending in all that guidance counselor junk with as much information that I can provide and a letter apologizing for the incomplete form. Or should I wait until I get back to school (January 5th) to get him to fill it out? Will Columbia accept the form late? Should I risk my shot at going to college because someone else ****ed up?</p>

<p>Bleh, this sucks.</p>

<p>This is such a tight scenario! Um, my best word of advice is this, and this comes from my counselor: the adcom will understand that your counselor nearly a hundred kids to manage, and this means, several hundred colleges/secondary school reports–SO, while the adcom may not excuse something sent past the deadline from the student, they typically will be lenient when it comes to counselors or teachers…So I wouldn’t sweat it…still try to get in contact with your counselor though! Don’t lose faith! In addition, however, I would ask your counselor to maybe sent a note of apology explaining the situation, and assure that it was not your fault at all–a good counselor would happily oblige to at least that after such a case…</p>

<p>In any event, good luck!</p>