Late sat score report to university of california please help

Hello, as my username suggests, I have made an extremely idiotic mistake. I sent my official SAT score to the University of San Diego instead of University of California San Diego. I have just realized today (2 weeks late to send official SAT scores) when I logged into my UC Davis account and realized it didn’t have my official SAT score. I’ve checked this forum for previous similar mistakes and have come across this thread a year ago: , however, there is no resolution to this posted. My plan is to send in my official SAT score report ASAP rushed and call in personally to each admission office once they open on Monday, but I need some advice what else I can do. TIFU

Good luck, but seeing as it’s already March, it might be too late. Most decisions probably have been already made.

Yeah, shoot. I wish I found out earlier :frowning:

There’s still 2-4 weeks before decisions come out at all the UCs, give it your best, that is all you can do. Good luck, what’s meant to be will be!

Actually, I was in a similar situation as you and I called the UCLA, UCSD, and UCD (some of the UC’s I applied to) admission offices to ask about the issue and how it would affect my application and they all told me that as long as my scores were self-reported on the application, the application would still be reviewed. All 3 offices also said that they are more concerned with getting your official sat scores once you have been admitted. Hope this helped. Good luck!

Thanks! Gonna call in this morning to make sure. Your response really makes me feel a bit more relieved :slight_smile:

Thanks! I have already made my peace with whatever the decision is of the UCs. But I am going to try to call in this morning to find out my options.