<p>I forgot to turn in my SLR on May First. I actually turned my SIR on April 24th and completely forgot about SLR. Do I have to pay OOS tuitoon even though im below 20k income? Im attending CalSO on June 1st-2nd so If my SLR doesn't comethrough I'll bring my state documentation with me. Can anybody offer me advice?</p>
<p>P.S> my SLR took less than 5 min because I've lived in California ever since I was born and attended a California high school for 4 years?</p>
<p>This is what the Cal Office of the Registrar said:
Source: [Legal</a> Residence Information - Office Of The Registrar](<a href=“http://registrar.berkeley.edu/legalinfo.html#formdocdeadline]Legal”>http://registrar.berkeley.edu/legalinfo.html#formdocdeadline)</p>
<p>Figure out who you need to talk to about this when you show up for CalSO.</p>
<p>You should call the Office of the Registrar ASAP before CalSO and explain your situation. [Services</a> Directory - Office Of The Registrar](<a href=“http://registrar.berkeley.edu/directory.html]Services”>http://registrar.berkeley.edu/directory.html)</p>
<p>yeah, definitely call on monday. if you did not call today. one would hope that it will be okay. so many documents to file. it is a little nutty.</p>
<p>Hey, I wanted to let you know that you should calm down 
I was in this situation yesterday so I know what it’s like. </p>
<p>This is from the Office of the Registrar: </p>
<p>Thank you for your email. If you are concerned about your SLR not being
accepted, I can tell you that it will likely be accepted
since you were only 2 days late. However, it may take longer because your
SLR will be evaluated after all of the students who filed on time.</p>
<p>After an evaluator reaches your file, they will determine which
documentation our office needs from you to complete your file. You will be
notified via email if our office writes any letters to you. Our officers
will make your residency determination based on all of your information
and documents, NOT the fact that you submitted your form late.</p>
Office of the Registrar
Residence Affairs Unit</p>
<p>Because of complicated issues, my SLR didn’t finish processing until like September last year. I think you’ll be fine. Don’t stress about it but definitely call about it and send lots of e-mails.</p>
<p>just part of the “let’s torture students with red tape and delays” program. and those who don’t die from heart attacks receive their degrees! haha.</p>
<p>berkeley is great though. i made a small error on one of my documents and when i called to tell them, they profusely apologized to me for all the crazy paperwork! how nice was that? i think you will be okay.</p>