<p>Hello all! There was recently a "scandal" at the lawrenville school, a boarding and day school in New jershy. It's cnsidered one of the "top" B.S., not that rankings matter ;). The 2013-2014 class president posted a picture on instagram with a hockey stick and a Yale sweatshirt with the caption "lawrenceville boi" with hashtags such as "romney2014" and "confederate". After the photo went viral, she resigned from the position. Maya,the president, was a black student and diversity was very important to her. Honestly, I laughed so hard when I heard what she did, but in hindsight I can see how it was wrong.It was really funny though,sorry probably inappropriate.lol What do you guys think about it? I'm going to be applying to boarding schools next year and lawrenceville is on my list. If that is really what the guy cultutre is like then it's a no-no for me. LV students what do you think? How have the campus,the guys, and whites reacted?</p>
<p>This article provides more information:
<a href="http://www.nj.com/mercer/index.ssf/2014/07/online_photo_leads_to_resignation_of_lawrenceville_school_student_president.html">http://www.nj.com/mercer/index.ssf/2014/07/online_photo_leads_to_resignation_of_lawrenceville_school_student_president.html</a></p>
<p>This topic was hashed to death when the incident occurred, both on this forum and the main CC parents forum. Do a search if you are interested in the response.</p>
<p>Lawrenceville student here. What is said in the scandal in no way represents the majority of the guys at Lawrenceville. In fact, Maya was targeting a very specific group of boys, who since long ago had been holding grudge against Maya’s approach in supporting the minority groups at Lawrenceville. </p>
<p>Talk about beating a dead horse. This happened a while back, and it was discussed a while back. Moderators please close. </p>
<p>I brought it up and I didn’t check to see if anyone else did. Why do a lot of CC get mad if someone opens a thread that was already discussed? It’s not that big of a deal. Some people just didn’t check before they it the enter button, you don’t have to be rude about it.:)</p>
<p>But thank you @MBVLoveless for explaining it to me
<p>@mrnephew And now that I’m searching through the old threads on PC and other locations, I see nothing.</p>
<p>@skieurope thanks! </p>
<p>@KimberlyLaila - The reason people get a bit peeved is that it is a pain to go over the same points again and again, especially for those people that have an interest in a particular school. They don’t want to ignore new posts, especially if (in their opinion) the posts don’t have it quite right, but they find it tedious to rehash it all, as I am sure you would if you had already posted a lot on one topic. That is why I disagree with people that automatically object to someone that posts to a thread a few months after it has seemingly died. You have a right to post your opinion, and better to do on a thread that already has a lot of info and opinions than start a new one and make people read several threads to get all the info. Which is another reason, of course, that new threads on a recent topic are frowned on. It is far more logical to have the discussion as consolidated as possible.</p>