Le Rosey Admission?

<p>I'm going to apply for a scolarship to go to Le Rosey. Their website mentions almost nothing about it. So do you know of anybody who has gotten a scholarship grant in Le Rosey? How much was the scholarship? What were your grades before and during your stay in Le Rosey? How much time did you spend on homework?
What tests do you need to take to enroll there? I know they have their own acceptance exam, but could you please tell me what kind of problems should I expect? What other kinds for the scholarship?
BTW I'm from Venezuela, but I study in an International School, so most of my classes are in English. I'm currently in 8th grade, and am applying for 10th grade. My grades are mostly A's with only one, maximum two, B's per quarter.</p>

<p>RE, Welcome to CC and the Hispanic Students forum!</p>

<p>I’m afraid I don’t know anything about Le Rosey, but you might also want to post your question on the Prep School forum.</p>

<p>There is a Hispanic Students Forum? LOL. I didn’t know.</p>