LEAD at Wharton vs. CMU Diversity AP/EA

<p>I'm trying to decide between the two, but they both have pro's and con's. Can you guys help me out by telling me ehere would you go and why? (Oh, and if you are on the waitlist or something for one, don't tell me to go to the other just because you want to better your chances, please. I know you CC'ers are sneaky.)</p>

<p>No one has an opinion?</p>

<p>have you decided what you are interested in majoring in when you go to college? If business, i would suggest LEAD simply because it (imo) has more prestige and can act as a better hook on your college app. A friend of mine was accepted to Stanford for Business this year after attending LEAD the previous summer. </p>

<p>However, you really can't go wrong with CMU either. 6 weeks of college experience + option to take credit in the classes you do + option to apply EA are all great benefits. I'm just not sure if CMU Diversity Program really has the prestige that will stand out on college apps that LEAD does.</p>

<p>Now, all that aside, i guarantee both programs will offer memorable experience, such that your decision over which one to attend will not leave you with any regrets. </p>

<p>That said, if you really can't decide which program to attend, i urge you (with my 100% biased opinion) to select LEAD. I can't hide the fact that I was waitlisted to CMU, and unfortunately i have no second option (other than a family vacation)... so if you desperately need a tie-breaker there it is. lol. </p>

<p>Anyways, i hope you enjoy your summer and i wish you good luck in deciding between your two fine choices!</p>

<p>What are you planning to take at CMU? Business related? If so, I think LEAD is a bit more prestigious.</p>

<p>I wouldn't be doing anything business-related at CMU...I'd probably take a Lit course and maybe some kind of intro to engineering. I don't know...I'm about 90% sure I'm going to Wharton, but I just can't totally rule out CMU! ...I have serious commitment issues apparently.</p>

<p>If you aim for Wharton, then go to LEAD. But if you are the kind of person that if you don't get into Wharton then you won't go for business undergrad, then choose CMU because it it gives you more options.</p>

<p>well, here's the thing. i feel like Wharton is going to help me grow as a person and as a leader. it will also help me figure out if business is something i'd like to persue, since it's something i've never been able to explore. CMU would basically just be like 6 weeks of school, but it might help me figure out what i want in a college. i have no intention of applying to CMU, and in a way wharton has more options because LEAD does have SBI's at 11 other great schools, some of which i am actually interested in, so the name LEAD would mean more to them than some thing at CMU.</p>

<p>If you have no intention of applying to CMU then i would probably go for wharton. The 6 weeks at CMU will give you a nice idea of college is like... but only at CMU, nowhere else. One of my main motivations for applying to the AP/EA program is that the EA option is really appealing. CMU is way too expensive to apply ED and pray that they give aid, but i would still like to apply there early along with MIT and Caltech. But if you don't plan on applying at all, the early option is pretty much useless</p>

<p>Yeah, the EA wasn't really a draw for me. I'm thinking it's Wharton for sure, unless someone has a really compelling reason why CMU would be better. Thanks for your input, guys!</p>