Learning Communities

Where does the WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) Learning Community live on campus? Do I apply for that when I start applying for housing?

Also where does the IL (International Learning Community) live?

On the website – WISE is in Sellery, International is in Adams. UW housing is different than many flagships in that it is a housing lottery rather than a first to put in a housing deposit gets first choice. This makes it more fair for students who are not accepted to UW until later in the cycle – they have as much shot at their top housing preferences as someone admitted in November.

That being said, there are strategies about ranking your choices, and I suggest that you use the search function on this board to learn more about housing options. Although my student is now an upper classman and no longer on campus, as I recall, students in learning communities are assigned their housing first and can select their room within the learning community. That may have changed in 3 years, so check the website.