Least Favorite Required Reading Novels

<p>LOL! Dubliners is James Joyce Lite. Try reading Finnegans Wake. Have you read the "Jabbywocky?" There's certain similarities. :eek:</p>

<p>Pride and Predjudice, Huck Finn</p>

<p>Cold Mountain, Snow in August</p>

<p>Mrs. Dalloway
can't think of any more right now because i don't read them</p>

<p>A Tale of Two Cities.</p>

<p>A Passage to India and The Great Gatsby as well as Little Women (the whole trilogy) can be added to the list.</p>

<p>If Dubliners is James Joyce Lite.....and, left to my own devices, I pretty much turned it into even Dubliners Lite....then I will stay far, far, far away from the rest of James Joyce.</p>

<p>Charles Bukowski's "Ham on Rye" </p>

<p>Terrible book. Terrible author. Even worse poet.</p>

<p>Finnegan's wake was James Joyce's ticket to hell. He said that it took him 14 years to write it, so it might as well take 14 years to read it. It contains words from 60 (60!) languages, even entire sentances, there is zero plot, and it ends in the middle of the same sentance it started with. I got through about 40 pages before realizing I had no idea what was going on.</p>

<p>i don't like anything shakespeare but that's just me. i disliked the crucible, things fall apart, and among others...</p>

<p>The Awakening</p>

<p>Oh ya I hated The Crucible also.</p>

<p>Moby DIck, u dont see the stupid whale till the last 3 chapters. Also the book is a billion pages along. Also having to read the scarlett letter at the same time didnt help.</p>

<p>100 Years of Solitude - by the second generation, I figured out the whole history repetition thing, I didn't need six generations to get that.</p>

<p>Heart of Darkness - OK, I love his use of descriptive words, he's a pretty writer. The storyline? Nonexistant, thus the whole thing just sucked.</p>

<p>Huckleberry Finn - I'm not a Mark Twain fan. I really didn't like Tom Sawyer, but that was 7th grade, so my hatred of that book has died down.</p>

<p>A Room with a View - All the good stuff happened in the first chapter. The rest was just kind of boring.</p>

<p>Huck Finn
But I think Hemingway- For whom the bell tolls, wins by far. What a long tedious annoying book. </p>

<p>I actually liked a Tale of Two Cities alot.. at least the last 1/3 part of it.</p>

<p>THE GRAPES OF WRATH is horrible. i didn't even have to read it for english it was for a film class, and i regret to this day that i didn't just stop reading and go to spark notes like everyone else in my class. the last chapter is particularly disgusting, and freaks everyone out when i tell them about it.</p>

<p>Heart of Darkness, The Scarlet Letter, and Moby Dick (which I read two chapters of and consequently got a 0 on the test)</p>

<p>i'd have to say Old man and the Sea was complete crap and it sucked</p>

<p>Tess of the D'urbervilles.</p>

<p>Hands down, the worst book you'll ever read. A far second would be great expectations.</p>

<p>Lord of the Flies... Couldn't stand it.
A Separate Peace wasn't as bad, but still not good.
Huck Finn too. Boring.</p>