<p>Huck Finn, Of Mice and Men</p>
<p>The absolute worst were Things Fall Apart and Their Eyes Were Watching God. TFA was just normal level bad, but TEWWG? I still get totally ****ed off thinking about it. I mean, there's a hurricane, and look, there's a cow that represents motherhood! WHAT?</p>
<p>i'd have to agree with A Separate Peace... i appreciate it for it's work/quality but it just didn't really appeal to me. really messed up kid with really messed up results. seemed too unrealistic and sappy at times.</p>
<p>The Sound and Fury by William Faulkner. It's about a family falling apart and, well, let's just say that my family isn't the most stable and loving. We have some of the same problems as the one in the novel and I'm really sensitive about it right now.</p>
<p>Things Fall Apart was just crap. The ending sucked.</p>
<p>about books whose endings suck--- life of pi! well it wasnt req. reading.. and the ending wasnt THAT bad, i just didnt like it</p>
<p>theoneo, sorry to hear that about your family :(
just the other day my english teacher was raving about Sound and Fury(we're going to read in in a couple of months) and he said that out of all the different books he's taught to all of his different students, THAT was the one they loved the most</p>
<p>The Bluest Eye by Tonni Morrison..................it was about a black girl wanting blue eyes...and then someone lies to her and says you have blue eyes and she REALLY BELIEVE SHE HAS BLUE EYES............the WORST BOOK I EVER READ</p>
<p>I really hated The Scarlet Letter.</p>
<p>I didn't really like Cry, the Beloved Country, All Quiet on the Western Front, Pygmalion...
The Crucible/All My Sons.</p>
<p>I didn't like much of anything we read in tenth or eleventh grades, evidently.</p>
<p>Les Miserables Condensed - Our abridgement was horrible. Fantine appears twice: she gives Cosette to Madame Thenardier and then shows up 30 pages later on her deathbed. Valjean procedes to adopt Cosette for no apparent reason.</p>
<p>Cry the Beloved Country - Summarized, "Bad stuff goes down in Johannesburg. People are ultimately good. Yada yada."</p>
<p>The second halve of Black Boy - A switch from an interesting story about the trials of a young black boy in the American South to some crazy junk about Communism. In light of that, other books about Communism are much better.</p>
<p>Brave New World - The writing just wasn't that great.</p>
<p>MacBeth - I'll admit, I didn't really read this. However, the movie version we watched was beyond ridiculous after the awesome first three minutes.</p>
<p>Walden - it has no plot, no characters other than Thoreau, and is one of the most densely-written things on the planet.</p>
<p>A Separate Peace I recall being horrible, but looking back it seems that at least the plot was interesting. Maybe.</p>
<p>The Handmaid's Tale...err.. hands down.</p>
<p>ilovemath314159 - Life of Pi was soo good until about halfway through when it started to get kind of repetitive and boring. But in retrospect the awesomeness of the beginning compensated for the crappiness of the ending.</p>
<p>we had to read Cold Sassy Tree for Honors English 9 .... i wanted to strangle myself so bad. i thought the novel was awful.</p>