legitmacy of purdue acceptance HELP.

<p>Okay few days ago, friday in fact, my dad called the purdue admission office and asked the status of my application. The lady at the office said I had been accepted as Electrical Engineering with Technology. My dad wanted to confirm this so he asked her to send an email. The email said congrats you have been accepted into purdue....etc. It was signed by an individual which was in the director of admission. I was glad I had gotten in but me and my dad were skeptical that this was legitmate email. It had an official purdue email address and everything but I was unsure whether Purdue would send the email so quickly. is this possible? next, when my dad spoke to another individual in the admission office they said that there is no record of this occuring, but my dad had evidence of the email and so forth, so she said she would send a welcome packet on monday. Okay here is where it confuses me, when I was reading my email acceptance I searched the person who was the "director of admissions" on the purdue website. however, when I checked he was a graduate intern not the director of admissions. SO WHAT IS UP?! I'm I in Purdue or not?</p>

<p>How can we know whether you're accepted? Purdue is the only place that can answer your question.</p>

<p>has anyone had a similiar situation is what im saying</p>

<p>When you receive the large "Congratulations!" envelope in the mail, you will have your confirmation. Those of us reading your post can't tell you if you're in or not. Your description of the events is not very clear, but basically just wait for the mail, and then you'll know. (Not email, postal mail.) You'll get a number of other mailings related to your acceptance, but the big envelope will be the first. Good luck!</p>

<p>Yes, you're in. The same thing happened to my son. He called to see if they had received his SAT scores and they said, "We must have, because he's been admitted." Then it was 5 or 6 days before he got the letter.</p>

<p>So, congratulations!</p>