Length of Essays

So I was editing my essays for my application to UW-Madison and one of them is currently 517 words. The application tip sheet says "about 300-500 words for each statement should be sufficient". Is the University really stringent about these word limits or is a little over 500 words okay?
Thanks :)</p>

<p>All my essays combined were about the length of a Harry Potter book but I was rejected</p>

<p>OK I think. But there probably are 17 words you could cut and lose nothing.</p>

<p>Well yeah, Just want to see how much leniency I have. I still have a lot of editing to do. </p>

<p>The operative word is “about”. I doubt someone is word counting, the guidelines are to have a reasonable length essay. Review your essays- as above, I’m sure you can tighten them up a bit. This will also improve them- being able to convey the same thoughts in fewer words is a skill.</p>