Let me entertain u all with a story about the woes of my application to Yale

<p>tomorrow is our last day of school, iv finished my ib finals and most of my college apps… so now i haven't got much to do since i have to wait till the end of next week to go on vacation with the family. I should start revising for my ib exams but lets face it i wont have the concentration of a goldfish b4 Friday… So iv decided to entertain u by telling u all about my horrendous application process to Yale.</p>

<p>ok so i filled out the common app, did the essays and go ready to send it off. The DHL man was supposed to come to our school on October 14 or 15 i don't remember to pick up my app and my friend's app (he's doing Stanford early). My portion of the application was done but my counselor was running around like a chicken with her head cut off. apparently one of my teachers hadn't given in his rec form. But when I went to ask him ( i was a little angry at tht point) he claimed that he gave it in to our counselor two weeks ago. So she looks in her office for like an hour and (me and two other ppl were helping and in the process missing an important history class) and we finally found it in the most random location. So we send the stuff off. I go home and submit my application+ supplement and take my dads credit card to pay for it.
Credit card doesn't work so i call my dad (he was in Dubai for a conference) and he yells at me a bit cuz i apparently interrupted some important vote…So anyways turns out credit card wasn't activated or something and I had to wait for my dad himself to come back cuz they needed him to sing etc...( I found this out over the period of three days since no one in the bank could actually tell me whyyy- welcome to Kazakhstan)
My dad was due back on November the 5th so naturally i freakkkeeeddd out and practically started having a tantrum over the phone. So my dad basically flew this guy over all the way from kz to UAE to replace him in this trip/conference thing that he was doing. My dad comes back activates the credit card and finnaallyyy i pay.
thennnn I was sending out my RD application to Boston U and since im applying for the trustee scholars thing i had to have it there by dec.1st. So my counselor gave me the packet to mail myself. It was a mess so i opened it up and started organizing it and stapling all the forms together etc.. I noticed :
1- that there was a mistake on my transcript (it said that I do ib bio sl instead of hl)
2- page two of the most important teachers rec was missing
3- my predicted scores were alll wrong (it said I had a 36 when i knew that i was getting a 39 because basically that’s what teachers saidd over and over)</p>

<p>so i freaked out because this was basically the same packet that had earlier on been sent to Yale
I go to my counselor and we have a loonngg argument, and eventually she ends up faxing Yale the corrections - this fax was sent out like a few days ago.
siggghhh well i hope it was worth it</p>

<p>excuse the typos etc..</p>

<p>Wow is all that I can say.......let us know how you come out will you? Nice location that you are from........New Haven will be very different. Good Luck.</p>

ya im sure it will b! iv never even set foot on american soil b4</p>

<p>You are gonna love it and you will add a lot to your class I am sure. I cannot believe that your counselor made so many errors.....you must have been really angry and worried. It is cold and snowy where I am......so what is your weather? Is your dad home/away while you await this glorious news?</p>

<p>its freeezzziinnggg here! today i blv it was about -15ish (Celsius that is)</p>

<p>ya my counselor could care less if i didn't go to college at all . She's completely irresponsible and unsuitable for any job except maybe working in a fish and chips restaurant .
She didn't want to fax the corrections until i hammered her about it for like a week. Then she didn't even fax the predicted I had to do tht myself ISNT THT CRAZZZYYY!!.
Both my parents are away so iv been having frequent conversations with my dogs and my sis bout Yale chances lol.</p>

<p>Haha, elodie. That's cute. Wish I had dogs now ~ <em>sigh</em>.</p>

<p>wow.. sounds like some journey you went through. Still, I wish you all the best!</p>

<p>Wow I wouldn't know what I would do if I were in that situation - probably wouldn't have handled it so well. People's incompetence at their jobs really annoys me</p>

<p>My guidance counselor accidentally sent my Yale forms to Stanford. Needless to say, i was pretty PO'ed. I mean, how hard is it to keep track of 54 kids?</p>

<p>Oh my,poor you. What a crazy story! I'm glad it all worked out in the end.
On a side note, and totally random too, what breed are your dogs?</p>

<p>cocker spaniel (ruska) and fox terrier (snikerzz)</p>

<p>hopefully you can come to yale so you can see what it's like to be living in the ultimate superpower</p>

<p>elodie, sounds cute:) I have a german shepherd (well sort of, she's a mix really).</p>

<p>I've been to Yale. Lived in "the ultimate superpower" for three weeks. And...it was amazing...once i recovered from culture shock,lol.</p>