Let's Compare Grades. After all, we're CCers.



<p>Quoted for lulz.</p>

<p>8th Grade
Honors Geology 89
Maths A1 91
Maths A2 91
Introductary French 97</p>

<p>Freshman Year
Studio in Art 87
Honors English 9 87
Maths A3 93
World Religion 93
Maths B1 94
Biology 96
Elementary French 97
Introductary Spanish 99</p>

<p>Sophomore Year
Honors English 10 84
Maths B3 86
Honors Chemisty 88
World History 89
Intermediate French 90
Elementary Spanish 90
Maths B2 91
Accounting 94</p>

<p>Junior Year
Honors English 11 82
Advanced French 90
AP US History 90
Honors Precalc 91
Intermediate Spanish 93
Health 96</p>

<p>Senior Year
Honors Physics 75
College Computer Forensics 75
English 12 84
College History of Civilization 85
Sociology 87
AP Calculus 90
Psychology 93
Business Law 93
AP French 95
AP Spanish 95
Advanced Spanish 96
Economics 98
Photojournalism 1 100
Photojournalism 2 100</p>

<p>Is it sad that I keep statistics like this?</p>

<p>^ Kind of, yeah.</p>

<p>I only have a 98 in AP Puzzles and a 97 in AP Lunch. Ugh! How will I ever get into Harvard?!</p>

<p>How could you possibly have taken15 classes in one year? Or do you just have some ridiculously complicated European schedule (like I used to have… God Bless America LOL)</p>

<p>My senior year was ridiculously packed to try and make up for a mediocre sophomore year, but I took both day and night classes. I had class 7AM-4PM and 6PM-10PM.</p>

<p>Wow your life must have sucked</p>

<p>lol@weighted grades. Seriously, no college cares about your weighted. It’s your unweighed that counts. If I sent my weighed grades, it would most definitely be over one hundred percent, but my unweighed ones leave me at around a 92-93.</p>

<p>Wow… why are you guys comparing grades? Since this IS CC people are just going to look and say “well I certainly did better than them, I mean, look at that… hahaha, they only got one 100 in a class… what a loser”. Everyone just always wants to show off their grades… how sad that that’s all people care about. Comparing grades will do nothing.</p>

<p>Senior Year Grades</p>

<p>Intro.to Differential Equations-A
Physics 1 with Calc-A
Physics 1 Lab-A
AP Physics C-A
AP Art History-B
AP English Lit- B/C+
AP Gov’t-B
AP Psychology-A
AP Stats- A</p>

<p>yo this thread is disgusting. Any try hard ■■■■■■ can get good grades lol, why don’t you use your intelligence for stuff that matters? …If you are intelligent that is.</p>

<p>Justifying getting bad grades is sad. Anyone who’s actually smart can get good grades and more. Stop being stupid.</p>

If you really believe that statement you’re ridiculously ignorant. I do agree with you that if the only thing you having going for you in life are grades, you are definitely not going to go very far, but to say that anyone out there could get good grades because it’s so “easy” you really have to have a screw loose somewhere…</p>

<p>[I&#039;m&lt;/a&gt; Asian, You’re Asian, Let’s Compare Grades! | Facebook](<a href=“Facebook Public Group | Facebook”>Facebook Public Group | Facebook)</p>

<p>what the hay why not. (10th grade)
Honors precalculus - 99
Honors chemistry - 98
AP World History - 96%
Honors Literature 10th - 101%
Honors Spanish 3 - 103%
AP Environmental Science - 97%
SUCKY grades this semester.
■■■. (school adds 7 pts for honors/APs)</p>

<p>Recent progress Report:
AP Calculus - 99
AP Language and Composition - 92 (the teacher thinks I’m really arrogant for some reason :confused:
Spanish IV - 98
AP European History - 100 - subject to change since I just had a test
AP Chem - 94</p>

<p>^You took AP Euro. You are automatically cool in my book.</p>

<p>thanksh ten</p>

<p>I take back what I said about you going to Emory</p>

<p>No weights for classes.</p>

<p>Yay senior year Q2!</p>

<p>AP World History - 93 (Teacher hates giving anything but A-'s, seriously)
AP Art History - 91.3 (Same)
AP Chemistry 90.1 (lolololol, I slacked)
AP U.S. Gov.&Pol. - 96.7 (I slacked in this class too, but yay easy classes)
World Literature linked with APWH - 92 (same as world teacher)</p>

<p>according to a recent progress report

<p>Chemistry - 91.7
History - 96
APBio - 100
Math - 97
World Lit - 100
Java Programming - 99
German - 94</p>
