Lets talk about our interview experiences!

I’ve had nine interviews and I can honestly say that G-Town’s was by far the most enjoyable. We spoke for about 30 minutes, on a range of topics and by the end of the interview we were both cracking jokes and talking about our golf handicaps. He then introduced me to the director of his hospital (he’s a chairman of the emergency room or something along those lines, It’s been a while and I’ve forgotten the exact details). He was practically showing me off to the guy saying things like “Can you believe he does _____ / is____ etc” and made me feel… really, awesome!

Unfortunately Georgetown is a pretty high reach for me and the interview can only help me so much, but the experience was unforgettable and really made me fall in love with Georgetown even more :frowning:

How was everyone else’s interviews? Any interesting stories?

My guy was so relaxed and funny. We talked for about 45 min to an hour and it was really reassuring that he didn’t seem to harp too much on grades and sat scores but just kind of wanted to get to know who I am and what I’m passionate about. He actually knew some of the current students that graduated from my high school recently and a teacher at my high school who I know pretty well so we spent a little bit of time talking about them and how well they were doing at Gtown. Plus he made the experience sound so amazing it just made me want to go so badly. Now that the dates so close I’m so anxious/excited to know if I got in

My interview was super awesome. We talked for about an hour and a half. She was very kind and relaxed, and painted a picture of Georgetown that made me fall in love. It was great and now that I got in I can’t wait.

Aaaaaaaaannnndddddd I was rejected.

Had a great interview. Very relaxed although professional at the same time. I believe that my interviewer was really impressed with my point of view on a lot of different topics (eg. explained how punk rock got me into politics) We talked for about 30-40 min, but it felt like it was a lot shorter. All in all, I miraculously got accepted so pretty cool