Letter From USNA Foundation?

<p>I recieved a letter today from USNA Foundation, it states that I was recomended as a to the USNA Academy Foundation preparatory school program as a possible candidate, but they will not be able to offer me a sponsorship because all the slots are filled. I have not been notified directly from the academy that i am not accepted so what does this letter mean? Do I still have a chance or should I accept my appiontment to USMMA?</p>

<p>Call your BGO or Regional Admissions director. Any information from this forum is speculative, at best.

<p>Here’s my speculation.</p>

<p>It means you are being offered an un-sponsored slot at a Foundation school. It means you or your parents will hae to pay for you to attend this school.
It means, if you successfully complete the program for a year, that you have an excellent [slightly less than guaranteed] chance of receiving an appointment next year. [Assuming you are able to get a MOC nomination.]
It means that your file has been reviewed by admissions and they think this is the best alternative for you.
It means that there is some chance [emphasize “some” as in there is “some” chance you might win the lottery if you buy a ticket] you could be admitted this year.</p>

<p>It means that if you want to go to USMMA, you should accept the appointmet. USMMA is, apparently, a sure thing. USNA is not.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>By the way, I interviewed an applicant who was rejected last year. He went to a foundation school for the past year. His family paid all costs of attendance. I don’t think he was an “unsponsored” attnedee. Rather, he shadowed the foundaiton program by aking the same classes, working out w/ them, etc. He made excellent scores in all classes. He received his letter of appointment about a month ago. Sometimes you just have to roll the dice.</p>

<p>Is there a list of Foundation Schools?</p>


<p>If you go to [Prep</a> Programs](<a href=“http://www.usna.com/Page.aspx?pid=484]Prep”>http://www.usna.com/Page.aspx?pid=484) you will find a list of the schools currently in the USNA program. Good luck!</p>

<p>Toddman, let us know what you decide.</p>

<p>Thanks to everyone who helped me with this letter. I talked to my CGO, an BGO,the general consensus is that there is no chance of an appiontment to USNA in my future. I am accepting my appiontment to USMMA which I am happy with. Thanks for all the help.</p>


<p>USMMA is a great school with outstanding career options upon graduation. Best of luck to you.</p>

<p>and as mentioned, you’ll get a good deal more ship handling experience!
Good luck.</p>

<p>I went through the foundation program. If you want to go to the academy it is a great way to get there. As long as you are passing your classes at the foundation school, you are going to get an appointment the following year. I believe that the extra year helped me a lot and gave me a foot up on those straight out of high school. At the foundation school you will take the same classes as plebe year, which takes half of the stress away plebe year.</p>

best of luck at USMMA. Great program, great location, and great job opportunities when you are done- including a commission in the US NAVY if that is what you want!</p>

<p>Anybody here going to Western Reserve Academy sponsored by USNA Foundation?</p>