<p>Hey guys, new user here! </p>
<p>Anyway, I just have a question about NYU's letter of reccomendations. I'm currently a junior in high school, and my plan is to apply early decision in 2013 for the Feburary 15th date (or the December one, can't really pick yet!) and I want to major in journalism with a minor in film.</p>
<p>I've looked around on this forum and the NYU website and it says that they require one letter of rec from a school teacher and a counselor. I'm not worrying about the counselor letter of rec yet, but I'm just wondering which teacher I should ask to write my letter of rec for me?</p>
<p>Since I am applying for an English-based major (journalism) it would be natrual to ask my current AP English teacher, but she is very in-demand and writes over hundred letter of recs for other students as well. Not to mention, she's the kind of teacher that has "favorites" and favors the students who actively participate in class discussions. I know I have a lot to say when we talk about literature, but I'm just so shy to speak-up and not to mention, I sit in the way back corner where she can't even see me. I'm just a natrually shy person, and I explain how I feel about something not by speaking, but by writing. I know she will be hesitant to write my letter of rec when I ask her, considering I'm not on very close terms with her and I don't participate in class discussions. </p>
<p>On the other hand, I'm on very close terms with my film teacher. I want to do a minor in film, but my major is journalism... and the two aren't really so related, so would it be weird to ask a film teacher to write a letter of rec for a journalism major, even if I'm minoring in film? My film teacher knows me well compared to my English teacher, and he has written letter of reccomendations to a couple of kids from last year who eventually got into NYU and I feel like he would know me well enough to write a proper letter of reccomendation.</p>
<p>So the question is, should I ask my English teacher or my film teacher to write my letter of rec? Even though I'm not so close to my English teacher and I am super-shy... I'm just confused on who I should ask. Sorry for the long post!</p>