<p>I know that on the site it says u need to send one by your councilor, but it that the minimum?</p>
<p>Cuz id like to send one from my teacher as well.</p>
<p>Any thoughts?</p>
<p>I know that on the site it says u need to send one by your councilor, but it that the minimum?</p>
<p>Cuz id like to send one from my teacher as well.</p>
<p>Any thoughts?</p>
<p>they only require the recommendation from your counselor</p>
<p>the REQUIRE the one from ur councilor, but would they accept another?</p>
<p>i'm pretty sure you only should send a teacher rec if you're deferred</p>
<p>I didn't send any last year. Not even for my honors application.</p>
<p>I think you should wait. If you're deferred, send in a few recommendations.</p>
<p>Our school automatically sends 3-one from guidance, one from an academic teacher and one from an arts-related teacher (if applying for a BFA). They were all sent and my D got accepted so I suppose it is OK to send extra.</p>
<p>Wow I didn't even know you needed one for UCF. I got in Fall 07 with none, my high school was VERY strict about LOR, like you had to have above a 3.5, 500 CS hours...etc they did not just "give" them out.... but I guess times have changed and they require one now.</p>
<p>I didn’t send in any, but I don’t see why it would hurt your application.</p>
<p>I didn’t send in any counselor recommendations, and got accepted in 6 days. If your grades are decent, don’t worry about it.</p>
<p>^ 6 DAYS!?!?!</p>
<p>i sent my app WEEKS ago and they got my transcript like a week ago! GAH!!!</p>