Letters of Rec ?uestion

<p>Do the letters of recommendation have to be postmarked by Jan 1 (well, Dec 31 due to the holiday), or can they be sent slightly later due to the holiday and not being able to be in immediate contact with the teacher?</p>

<p>shoot, when i was applying to colleges that had highly competitive admissions, and yearlong admissions cycles, i made sure i met all my deadlines…</p>

<p>Trust me, I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure I meet my deadlines. I’m just checking in the event that I don’t.</p>

<p>More flexibility seems to be given for things like letters of recommendation since your teacher is mailing it.</p>

<p>Speaking of teacher mailing it, this brings me to another question:</p>

<p>My other teacher that wrote a rec for me just gave me the letter and an envelope with the school address on it. Would I have to write my name anywhere on the envelope so that they file the letter correctly, or do they open it, see your name in the letter and then file it?</p>

