<p>Has anyone (who found out Friday) got their offical letter yet?</p>
<p>I want it so bad it hurts lol</p>
<p>Has anyone (who found out Friday) got their offical letter yet?</p>
<p>I want it so bad it hurts lol</p>
<p>I got waitlisted. Hahahah... I'm a finalist for both Duke and Emory scholarships, and WashU waitlisted me. I treated all schools the same, visited for same lengths of time, applied for scholarships at all three. WashU apparently did not like me. </p>
<p>I don't think I'll be bothering to get off the waitlist. I'd rather deal with a school that doesn't have sneaky acceptance practices.</p>
<p>shahein, if you dont mind my asking, how were your stats?</p>
<p>I live in Texas and received my letter today, not that I really wanted it.</p>
<p>I live in Virginia and received mine today.. blah</p>
<p>question...i also got waitlisted...what do we do now?</p>
<p>Those of you who have received letters- did you apply for financial aid?</p>
<p>thats worrisome i live in ky and havent gotten it yet
oh well maybe tomorrow <em>crosses fingers</em></p>
<p>neftyjik, did you check your decision online?</p>
<p>yea i got in
i just want the letter now heh</p>
<p>Stats (for those who asked... WAITLISTED):
-2270 (760 Writing, 720 Math, 770 Critical Reading)
-1550 old (750 Critical Reading, 800 Math)
-35 (32 English, 35 Math, 36 Reading, 36 Science, 12 Essay)
-800 Math IIc
-800 World History
-760 Chemistry
GPA: 4.5612 / 5.0 (weighted)
Rank: 2/493
Senior schedule: IB English HL, IB History of Americas HL, IB Chemistry HL, AP Calculus BC, AP Computer Science AB, IB Spanish SL, IB Theory of Knowledge, Honors Math Team
Other stats:
-Scholars Bowl - Captain 4 years
=Various and sundry tournament placings
-Math Team - Captain this year
=Various and sundry tournament placings
-Technical Theater - Head Lighting Tech
-UAB Hospital Volunteer
-IB Council
=Historian 10th
=President 11th, 12th
=IB Webmaster 11th and 12th
=IB Recruiting Brochure Designer
-National Honor Society
-Spanish Honor Society
-Thespians Dramatic Honor Society
-Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society</p>
Essays: I worked these buggers over to the point of exhaustion. They were good.
Teacher Recs: Didn't read any; teachers knew me for three years each.
Counselor Rec: Counselor's husband is my scholars bowl coach who has known me for three years.
Interest: Most, if not all the blanks were filled in. E-mail correspondence, phone calls on attemptedly insightful questions, visited, went to all the info sessions in the area, video visit, etc.
Hook (if any): Definitely played up the Persian kid living in Alabama. Rather well rounded.</p>
State or Country: Alabama
School Type: Not competitive public high school.
Ethnicity: Persian (Asian or white?)
Gender: Male
Other Factors: National Merit Semifinalist, University of Rochester/Xerox Corporation Award for Information Technology, Trophies at MAO national convention, 5's on Psychology and APCS A, 4 on Music Theory, and other school awards (Student of the Month, etc)</p>
<p>Admission letter (package) just delivered by UPS - Chicago suburbs.</p>
<p>just out of curiosity what would u do if your letter got lost in the mail?</p>
<p>err call the school?</p>
<p>cut myself? </p>
<p>Just kidding...I think that joke's only funny in my school.</p>
<p>Anyways, I didn't get my acceptance letter today...</p>
<p>Maybe after giving us free airfare to the Spotlight weekend, they cheaped out and plan on handing us our letters upon our arrival.</p>
<p>I got mine today! UPS guy came up with the package....I wasn't expecting that!</p>
<p>Now I just need to wait on my other schools. Probably going to Wash U, though.</p>
<p>Got mine today as well :-) Except I wasn't home to greet UPS. Oh well.</p>
<p>Mine came today. I want to see the finaid package though, which should come in a couple days.</p>
<p>i still havent gotten mine =(
im gonna be mega angry if it gets lost in the mail</p>