Lewis & Clark - What's the vibe?

We are on the east coast and have never been to Portland. D and I fell in love with the pics of the school. So beautiful. What’s been your experience there? Daughter tends to shy away from urban but it seems in a residential area of Portland? Does Portland feel like a safe city? Thanks for any info at all as we are contemplating visiting.

Cannot help with specifics about Lewis & Clark College other than it is a beautiful campus & that a high percentage of students study abroad.

Portland, Oregon is a very liberal community. West Coast cities have a lot of homeless folks.

Definitely worth a visit.

@Peachpie9 The college itself is on the outskirts of the city in a very much suburban neighborhood. The grounds are a former mansion and the landscaping is beautiful. There is a lot of hiking the can be done in the local area.

Portland is very liberal and does have some homeless but my D never felt unsafe there. There is a bus that goes back and forth between the school and downtown each day. It is well used!

We looked at my D’s yearly drop off as our annual trip to Portland. If you visit you can also stop at Reed College across the river (still in Portland suburbs).

Thank you for this helpful info! @“Erin’s Dad” it sounds like your daughter was happy at L&C?

Hello-- We visit Portland frequently and plant to relocate there eventually. My D21 is considering L&C as well. The campus is barely in Portland city proper-- feels like it is in the woods. Actually, it is in the woods and near a lot of nature and some high end homes. That said, downtown and other fun hang outs are fairly accessible to students due to great transit in Portland and the school’s shuttle. Portland feels safe to me, despite the very real homelessness issues-- there are some sketchy areas but they are easy to avoid-- just use common sense. I would send my kids there with no concerns.

Thank you @Techno13 for the info! Good luck with your D’s college search!

@Peachpie9 Last year there was a TV show on, college setting and I said where is that filmed, it’s beautiful! My guess was Canada but it was Lewis and Clark. I’ve never been anywhere in the Western USA, someday!

Hi @Peachpie9. My daughter applied ED to L&C and will be attending in the fall. We live in Upstate NY (90 miles from Manhattan) and we visited L&C twice. The campus is indeed so pretty! My daughter will likely be a visual arts major and is interested in the 5 year counseling program. If you want to PM me with specific questions, feel free!

@3sonsmom : For a spectacular trip in the Pacific NW, drive along the Columbia River.