Liberal Arts colleges with good photography programs

<p>Looking for good four-year liberal arts colleges (not art schools) that also have strong photography majors. The goal is not to come out of college ready to be a professional photographer but to get a solid education and pursue a passion simultaneously.</p>

<p>Some liberal arts colleges have a Studio Art major with a photography concentration but when you look at their course catalogues, they only have two or three photography classes. I'm looking for a stronger Photography program than that.</p>

<p>All suggestions appreciated!</p>

<p>Bard, Ithaca, RIT.</p>

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<p>Did you check this thread for ideas?</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I don’t have lots of knowledge about this area, but I was really surprised at RIT’s offerings in art especially photography. [RIT:</a> College of Imaging Arts & Sciences](<a href=“]RIT:”>
The area was the home of Eastman Kodak, hence lots of partnerships between RIT and Kodak, buildings and quads named after Kodak etc. Not a Liberal arts school per se, but definitely check into their offerings. On a campus tour we talked to a kid who was there for “Metalcrafts and jewelry”! Who knew?</p>

<p>Drexel has a photography program, but I’m not sure how accessible it is to non-majors.</p>

<p>[Photography</a> | Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts and Design | Drexel University](<a href=“]Photography”>Photography Major | Drexel Westphal)</p>

<p>Thanks for your responses. It’s seem like an all-or-nothing situation. Either you can take a broad liberal arts program with a couple of photography courses or you can get in a program that is focussed primarily on photography and maybe squeeze in a couple of extra “off topic” courses…</p>

<p>Bard College has a renowned photography program - with some phenomenal professors. It isn’t a guarantee that one will be allowed to ‘moderate’ into the major, however - Bard’s version of declaring a major. It is a very serious program, and it is attached to an engaging and stimulating liberal arts college. Would definitely fit your criteria. Stradmom, btw. knows of which she speaks - I believe her daughter just got a degree in photography from Bard.</p>

<p>It occurs to me that my D also ran into a lot of photography students from NYU when she was doing things in the city. Don’t know any details about their program, but it might be worth checking out.</p>

<p>SpiritManager is absolutely correct about Bard’s photo program - it’s excellent but very, very selective. It also has more of an “art photography” focus (no pun intended), while someplace like Ithaca has more of a “photojournalism” emphasis. You might need to think about what career path you want to follow long term as you look at schools.</p>

<p>What about a progressive program like Bennington where you design your major incorporating photography?</p>