Life after M&T

<p>hey all,</p>

<p>for the special program M&T, I understand that they focus on the integration. However, are people in a pure engineering program go more in depth than studetns in M&T? Besides, do the vast majority of the students focus more on business more than engineering? I’m seriously considering M&T, but for me it’s engineering>business, but I would imagine that in M&T it’s business>engineering?</p>

<p>Besides, do M&T prepare students well to go to top engineering grad schools? (Like MIT, Stanford, Caltech…and the likelies)</p>


<p>the engineering degree side of the program is identical to the normal engineering school degree; m+t students pursuing a bas or bse take the same courses as seas students pursuing a bas or bse, so the preparation is the same.</p>

<p>therefore, m+t students with bse degrees graduate with plenty of preparation to go to engineering graduate school, but i don't think i've ever heard of any who have (that's sort of a waste of the wharton preparation)... even if they do go to engineering grad school, they will probably aim for the management side rather than the technical side, once they enter the industry.</p>

<p>Any other responses??</p>

<p>What TF said is correct. The Engineering part of M&T is identical to the normal engineering degree in terms of course requirements. </p>

<p>What you do after graduation is solely your own preference. </p>

<p>I've seen people in Wharton+SEAS who get graduate degrees in engineering, so it's really up to you in what you want to do.</p>


<p>any other responses?
Do M&T students tend to get jobs that involve more business or engineering? Do they make more money compared to a business undergrad or engineering undergrad?</p>

<p>JCo, stop being obnoxxxiousss.
M&T students get the highest avg. outgoing salary. But what you do is up to you...</p>

<p>I would imagine that M+T students can go into patent law. They can also go into marketing for engineeirng firms and do more business side stuff because htey have a busniess background and engineering background.</p>