Life at UC Davis?

<p>Hey everyone,
I was just wondering what it is like at UC Davis. Anyone have good/bad experiences there or know more about the campus life there? Is it a boring farm town where everyone has nothing else to do but do drugs? Inputs please.</p>

<p>LIfe is pretty chill at davis. Everyone is really nice and helpful. It's just one of the two college towns left in CA (the other one being santa barbara). </p>

<p>Oh yes, what IS there to do at davis?</p>

<p>Go on and read this old CC thread:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Davis is also the only school besides CAL and UCLA to have a football team! GO AGS!</p>

<p>do you go to Davis ownownage?</p>

<p>yeah i do go to davis</p>