Life Science Corequisite of 23L?

<p>For LS4? What is this class? Why have I never heard of it and why can't I find this class on registrar?</p>

<p>Also, why was this not a corequisite during Spring 2011? Did ursa/registrar just screw up?</p>

<p>The Life Science series is being changed to LS 1, LS 2, LS 3, LS 23L, LS 4. </p>

<p>Before, LS 2 and 3 both had lab components; however, starting from Fall 2011, their lab components will be combined into LS 23L, which is a requisite for LS 4.
In the fall, as a transition period, LS 2 will not have a lab component, but LS 3 will. This is to help students who took LS 2 with lab but have not yet taken LS 3. Starting in winter and beyond, neither LS 2 nor 3 will have the lab component. </p>

<p>In addition, this means that LS 2 and 3 are now 4 units each instead of 5, and LS 23L will be a 2 unit class.</p>


Are you sure LS3 will have a lab component this fall? It is listed as 4 units now instead of 5. Also, it lists LS 23L as a mandatory corequisite, but this class is not offered this Fall!</p>