<p>does a likely letter mean that you're bound to the school if you're a recruited athlete? Can you still apply to other schools</p>
<p>No, it’s not binding. Do a search on “likely letter” and you’ll see what they are about.</p>
<p>of course you can apply elsewhere. it’s just a way for the college to tell you you’re probably getting in. (i.e., you’re in and they really want you to attend.)</p>
<p>You are not contractually bound…but I would think you have implied that you intend to attend…because the coach “tipped” you…did you get a likely letter? did you apply early to Yale? is there someplace else you want to attend and also intend to apply regular?</p>
<p>haha- I’m sorry I can’t help you as I know very little about the athletic recruiting process, but when I first read the thread title, I was like “OMG Yale sent out academic likely letters for SCEA???” Then… I understood :)</p>
<p>I’m pretty sure that there are no early likelies.</p>
<p>wow, so does Yale send likely letters to EA kids?</p>
<p>To athletes, I presume?</p>
<p>Some other schools send likely letters for academic superstars, but for the RD round.</p>
<p>Yes, Yale sends out likelies to EA applicants.</p>
<p>Has anyone gotten one yet? Would the time frame be between 12/1- 12/15?</p>
<p>i got one for science</p>
<p>so basically when are the likely letters sent out? now??? that would make many ppl feel extremely nervous.</p>
<p>i didnt apply early, submitted my app though</p>
<p>congrats on the likely letter st. aegis! Man, what I’d do to be in your shoes right now :P</p>
<p>the likely letters were sent out after december 2 last year for EA. but given the rise in EA applications this year, expect them to come a bit later.</p>
<p>st. aegis, stop lying. the rest of the world doesn’t appreciate your inflated sense of self-importance.</p>
<p>Yeah, there is NO WAY that st. aegis received a likely letter. Please don’t believe him. </p>
<p>(for evidence, just look at the Stanford forum).</p>
<p>what’s a likely letter?</p>
<p>it’s a letter you get (usually if you’re an athlete) saying it’s “highly likely” that you’ll be admitted. basically, it means you’re in and they really want you to attend.</p>
<p>In case anyone wanted St. Aegis’s stats, here they are:
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/592751-chancing-near-impossibility.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/592751-chancing-near-impossibility.html</a></p>
<p>I think you’ll agree that his likely letter is incredibly unlikely.</p>
<p>Anyway, it doesn’t seem reasonable for Yale to send out early likelies on December 2. To get to some places, it takes how long? Four days in the mail? Even more? It gives the applicants about a week’s early notice.</p>
<p>If they wanted to make the prized applicants feel truly loved, a better strategy would be to send out personalized letters which massage their egos.</p>
<p>Although Yale issued some academic likelies to RD applicants last year, there were no reported academic likelies on CC for SCEA applicants. (Well, at least none I saw, and I was watching closely. ;)) I’ve never heard of an EA applicant receiving one IRL, either.</p>
<p>Please don’t worry if you don’t get a likely letter. It doesn’t mean you’re not going to get in!</p>