<p>Hi everyone, does anyone know if/when Stanford starts sending out likely letters for the class of 2017? Thanks a lot! Good luck to everyone with admissions</p>
<p>Someone in another thread says they got one yesterday</p>
<p>Does anyone know if Stanford LL’s are exclusively (or primarily) sent to STEM majors?</p>
<p>^ I don’t believe so, I think they just send them to truly outstanding candidates</p>
<p>A person in my school got the likely letter yesterday from Stanford.</p>
<p>Has anyone in the Southeast US gotten one? I live in Florida.</p>
<p>What exactly is the meaning of a likely letter - do students who get a likely letter, always get an acceptance later?</p>
<p>spancha, how can they not admit if they say in the letter, “… it gives us great pleasure to inform you that you will be formally offered admission to the Stanford Class of 2017! This early approval is a tribute to your extraordinary achievements…”
And they even offer a travel grant to visit in April.
I don’t think it leaves any doubts.</p>
<p>yes, yolochka is right. its essentially an acceptance letter. also, eesachs, a friend of mine just got the letter today in GA. hope that helps. good luck!</p>
<p>Got a letter on the east coast yesterday…unreal!</p>
<p>bumping this again, anyone else?</p>
<p>Man I’m depressed Stanford had 1760 incoming freshmen last year. Take into account that 753 were accepted SCEA and some 200 (random guess here, anyone know for sure?) for LL. Since Stanford has a 73% yield rate it’ll accept around 2411 students. That means there are about 1458 spots left for some 40-50k students that applied. Great
A 2.9-3.6% chance left.</p>
<p>I’m pretty sure that it was under 40k applicants. But yeah, like a 4% acceptance rate. :(</p>
<p>There were 37 k regular, but I"m counting the early kids as well. I don’t know how many got deferred, but I feel like it’s at least 3k.</p>
<p>^roughly 700ish were deferred.</p>
<p>The numbers are bad, but not that bad.</p>
<p>From last year’s numbers:
Apps 36631
Early 6100 (this is this year, I couldn’t find last years)
RD 30531</p>
<p>Accepted 2427
Early 750
RD 1677</p>
<p>So the RD acceptance rate was about 5.5%
(or 5.2% if you assume that they sent out 100 likelies)</p>
<p>This year, there are more apps, but they also accepted fewer early.</p>
<p>As far as deferrals, that would be added back into the RD pool, this year there were less than 600 (I think about 580 or so).</p>
<p>so will stanford be sending out any more LLs, or are they pretty much done?</p>
<p>@monepo, in past years they come out sporadically until about mid-March. so there’s hope. no one should be expecting a likely letter because they’re so rare, but they won’t stop sending them for a little while</p>