I have a daughter who would like to major in linguistics. She will complete 6 years of French, 4 years of Spanish, 5 years of Latin and 1 year of Greek. I am looking for colleges who might have a specility in this area. She is a strong student. Any suggestions?
University of Rochester
<a href=“http://www.ling.rochester.edu/[/url]”>http://www.ling.rochester.edu/</a>
That’s what I am planning to major in. I have looked at Rutgers, U of Rochester, Northeastern, Boston U, and Syracuse.
I’m looking to major in linguistics, too; McGill and MIT are both very good, and are my top 2. That said, it really depends on the kind of linguistics she wants. Some programs are very focused on psychology and neurolinguistics, others are more mathematical, and others are more related to history and specific languages. I suggest doing research about good linguistics graduate programs and then seeing if the schools you find back that up with good undergrad classes. Find out from the news or other sources which professors are doing progressive, interesting research and see if they teach undergraduate classes. Some schools (like MIT) will say which professor is meant to teach which classes.
If she’s interested in learning languages rather than the science behind it, she may want to consider comparative literature.