Link: Panel calls for charging OOS tuition to MN students at UW-Madison

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I don't know how likely this is to come to pass. Worth keeping an eye on at any rate.</p>

<p>celesteroberts, there was a blurb about this in our local paper today. They made it seem like it was a probability. Glad you posted the article above where it seems likely NOT to happen. Reciprocity for both schools is an advantage for students I would hate see go away.</p>

<p>It will not happen. That was pushed by the same leftist prof I warned about earlier here. She is a liberal crank with zero actual influence. The state pols like the deal and so do the many students in both states that enjoy the choices. She fails to understand that for every seat a Minn kids gets at UW a WI kid gets one at Uminn so overall a wash really.</p>

<p>Yeah, the reciprocity seems to be a win-win for both states. Not sure who the crank professor is but there are plenty at UW who continue to suggest crazy solutions to problems that don’t necessarily exist.</p>

<p>Well, the problem as they see it is probably more about money and lack of it than it is about the distribution of students at the respective universities. OOS students = more $. UW profs haven’t received regular raises for 5 years (that is, no raise w/o outside competing offer.) Last year they received a permanent 10% pay cut that followed years with temporary cuts in the form of furloughs.</p>

<p>I agree that the change seems unlikely, but the agreement already was altered several years back. Used to be WI students paid WI tuition, currently about $3250/yr less than UMN tuition, to attend UMN. Now they pay the higher UMN tuition. Just saying that the agreement is not set in stone and worth keeping an eye on.</p>

<p>That bit on tuition because WI state was having to makeup the difference in big check to Minn. Now students pay that go to Uminn. Good lesson for WI parents that complain about UW tuition being high. Most are higher.</p>

<p>Being “leftist” and “liberal” is something to be proud of- representative of many WI residents and UW students past and present. Most do not have a business mentality, as evidenced by the most popular schools/colleges in the school. We need contrarian ideas to keep us thinking and not complacent.</p>

<p>Not according to the last few WI elections. All Republican state Capitol.</p>

<p>Y’all are going to get this thread shut down if you’re not careful…</p>

<p>Yes- too much political posting isn’t the purpose of CC. Wisconsin is changeable and UW will challenge many students’ ideas. Part of the college education.</p>

<p>Back in my day there was no reciprocity. Could revert to the old financial ways. The country as a whole changes its mindset as times change.</p>

<p>Unless your day was very long ago it was-it started in 1965.</p>

<p>[Minnesota-Wisconsin</a> tuition reciprocity stokes rivalry](<a href=“]Minnesota-Wisconsin”></p>