Link to L&S Freshmen Scholarship Information (deadline 2/4/14)

<p>Scholarships</a> | Student Academic Affairs</p>

The L&S Freshmen Application for the enrollment year 2014-2015 will be active on November 4, 2013 with a deadline date of February 4, 2014 at Midnight Central Time.</p>

<p>There are additional scholarships available throughout campus at the department level. Contact individual departments within the College of Letters and Science to learn about these scholarship opportunities. You can also check the Scholarships @ UW-Madison website.</p>

<p>The College of Letters and Science awards scholarships that include merit-based criteria. For incoming first-year students, academic achievement normally means that students rank at the top of their graduating class, have ACT scores of at least 31 and/or SAT scores of at least 2100. Additional criteria for the allocation of scholarships in the College of Letters and Science vary depending on the award. Criteria for selection include:</p>

<p>Academic Merit
Creative Accomplishment
Financial Need
Force of Character
Diversity of Background
Commitment to Community

<p>Successful candidates complete applications with these criteria in mind. Applicants need to demonstrate strength in two or more of these areas.</p>

<p>Review the scholarship descriptions and criteria. Relate the information in your application to the criteria of the scholarships for which you are most qualified.</p>

<p>The College of Letters and Science Scholarship Committee selects the scholarship recipients. Students who are awarded scholarships will receive notification via telephone and email in early April and are required to accept the scholarship and all its terms in writing or the scholarship offer can be rescinded.</p>

<p>Important Information</p>

<p>You should not wait to hear from the Office of Undergraduate Admissions in regard to your acceptance to UW-Madison to apply for Letters and Science Scholarships. Your admission will be verified prior to making an offer.</p>

<p>To be considered for scholarships with a financial need component you must have a FAFSA filed. Please review the following site: Home</a> | Office of Student Financial Aid - University of Wisconsin–Madison.</p>

<p>Financial need is verified at the middle of March.</p>

<p>All scholarship payments are contingent upon full-time enrollment and good academic standing in the College of Letters and Science. </p>

<p>All payments are deposited into the student</p>