Literature and Critical Reading correlation?ANYONE WHO TOOK BOTH!

<p>Can you guys post your scores that you got on CR and Lit just to see if there's a relationship between the two scores? And could you please comment on the Lit test itself; if you did any extra prep, how much more difficult it is than CR, if you struggled to get a "good" score on Lit, if CR was easy for you. THANKS!!</p>

<p>CR: 730 Lit:710</p>

<p>I’ve always been pretty good at reading comprehension, but still prepared a lot to take SAT’s. I was supposed to take the French SAT II on the day I took my Lit test, but found out when I got there that my school did not offer French. So I decided to take Lit. I have never taken an AP English class, had no preparation for lit, had no intention of taking it in the first place, and thought I failed. I guess it was easier than I thought.</p>

<p>CR: 760, Lit: 710 </p>

<p>Lit is much, much, much harder. The 760 I got was a raw of 62/67. A 710 lit is a raw of 49/61.</p>

<p>CR 720, then got 700 lit, then re-took CR and got 800. Lit is the same but harder. Only a few questions that require knowledge of terms and stuff… missed those though</p>

<p>I have to add, though, I prepared extensively for the CR section of the SAT. I didn’t at all for lit. Quite frankly, with only 1 real SAT II for lit released, it’s hard to prep…</p>

<p>CR: 750, Lit: 800</p>

<p>I’m the odd one out, I suppose, but I would say that my scores are the most telling for two reasons:</p>

<p>1) I never prepped for either test. At all.
2) I took the SAT I three times and scored a 750 every single time exactly</p>

<p>I think the reason I lost those 50 points on CR was always 1 or 2 vocab questions. I never miss passage-based reading, which is why I pwned Lit.</p>

<p>Well, CR is more of a “logic/reasoning” test. Whereas lit is more of an interpretations skills test.</p>

<p>I have 800 Lit and an 800 CR.</p>

<p>I prepped a whole lot more for Lit. It is much harder.</p>

<p>760 CR.
<700 on 3 Lit practice tests.
5 on AP Lit.</p>

<p>My son got 800 CR, 790 lit. Prepared for both with sample tests.</p>

<p>CR 800.</p>

<p>Still prepping for Lit, but it seems insane. Practice tests have been 730-770 ish. =.=</p>

<p>700 Critical Reading 750 Literature</p>

<p>I’m sort of an outlier =P
(36 english & reading too).</p>

<p>The vocabulary always tripped me up on the critical reading section.</p>

<p>740 Lit, 680 CR. But I’m retaking SATI in January… I actually find CR about as hard as Lit because it’s not just pure lit skills :confused: …or something like that.</p>

<p>730 Lit, 710 CR
but CR was since January…think I’ll get a lot higher this Jan.</p>

<p>750 CR was really disappointing, but 800 lit was very vindicating. I didn’t really study for either, FYI, too busy worrying about math =s</p>

<p>760 for both Lit and CR. I got 730 the first time for CR, though. I wouldn’t say Lit is harder. In fact, I think CR is harder because it’s more technical and has a correct answer, whereas Lit is open to interpretation and doesn’t have a correct answer.</p>

<p>CR: 730
Lit: 760</p>

<p>I am a no-prep, single-sitting test-taker.</p>

<p>CR: 670 Lit: 620 </p>

<p>I am an international, my school wasn’t in English and English is my 3-4 language. I prepped for CR some (reading passages etc.), but didn’t prep to lit AT ALL.</p>

<p>CR: 800 (3 times)
Lit: 800 (no prep)</p>

<p>I didn’t prep for either (except I took the SATs and PSATs twice, so I guess I had more practice with CR) and I got 780 CR and 730 Lit. Lit is definitely harder, but it’s over in an hour so it sucks less. I’m not sure about the curve on it though, so I’m not sure how many questions I got wrong on Lit.</p>