Hi all! I’m a second-year transfer and after having a pretty bad dorming experience, in terms of making friends, I moved into the COOP hoping to meet more people! I’m here for the summer but I have no idea how to go about meeting or talking to others. I tend to over think how to talk to others and get pretty depressed being by myself all day. I have been trying to go outside my comfort zone and even sat in the couches in the lobby area in the COOP for I was told that’s how people meet each other but no one came! If any of you have lived in the COOP any tips? Thanks !!
My D has trouble meeting people. What about a part-time job or volunteering somewhere where you have to talk to people. She also did some “Meetups” for her it was hiking, photography and roller skating. She also took an introduction to indoor climbing class.
I have a job but I will try meetups! As I mentioned, my first year was rough because I feel like I tried it all, I’m just wondering how others do it so well.