<p>I'm living on Riverside right now for really cheap (like 379/month all utilities paid). But I really want to move out and find somewhere else to live in Austin. Is it possible to find something just that inexpensive or around that price range besides riverside? or am i wishing for a miracle?</p>
<p>If not, what is the best apartment complex on riverside?? I'm a female UT undergrad and will probably do a random roommate thing too..but I don't want to be paired up with a creepy, crazy person!! :( I also don't have a car, so I would need the shuttle service. Please, advice and suggestions..</p>
<p>i was actually considering living at ballpark apts on riverside when i go to UT since i might get a 10k scholarship for living there, so i am a little concerned now. can you please tell me why you don’t like riverside?</p>
<p>oh and if it helps, i’m pretty sure almost all apt complexes pair you up with people of the same sex</p>
<p>riverside is ok. not that great but not that bad either. but getting to UT might be a little problem. during rush hours it can take 25-45 minutes to get to the UT campus from riverside. i have a friend that lives at longhorn landing so i know this. but mostly its not that bad.</p>
<p>Riverside is trashy. It’s a good option if you are strapped for class but it is not a classy place to live. And apartment complexes generally don’t “pair you up” with anyone. You generally have to get enough people to fill a unit and then approach a realtor to do the leasing.</p>