<p>Princeton students: do you recommend lofts in dorm rooms? They're fantastic space-savers, but where would you put an alarm clock, a bedside table, a reading lamp? Any help/advice would be appreciated greatly.</p>
<p>My roommates and I are actually building our own lofts for next year (I'm class of 2009). We have a triple in 1915, so by using the lofts we can get our desks out of the common room and have a nice living room. With regards to your concerns, I would suggest that you get a small table that clips to your bedpost. I had one of these last semester when I was on the top bunk, and it gave me a place to put a book, etc. My reading lamp also clipped to my bed frame, so it wasn't a problem. I purposefully didn't put my alarm clock on there, so that it would force me to get out of bed :)</p>
<p>One of my friends actually stacked two dressers on top of each other, creating a high nightstand next to his loft. While this would obviously require your roommate's consent (they lose a dresser top) it's another possibility.</p>
<p>Thanks for the tip! You're a great help</p>