<p>Last Saturday i did all the sections from the first 4 tests of the Blue book.Stunning results - i always ran out time,and overall ,i had 30 + errors per test.I tought that after each test the results will get better ==>nope.
On Sunday i tried again.Did the sections from tests 5 an 6.Still a lot of errors,but didnt run out of time.Finished test 5 with 24 errors and test 6 with 26 errors.There was a positive change considering the previous day,but the results on Sunday were pretty much the same.
Today i did tests 7 and 8.Another stunning results - 8 errors on test 7 and 10 errors on test 8
whici i think should be about 680-700
Do you think this is normal ?</p>
<p>Nothing is normal.
Remember the range?</p>
<p>say a kid scores 200/200/200
his “range” would be 200-250 on all 3, right?</p>
<p>say right after that, he tests again.
this time he gets 250/250/250
his range becomes 200-300 per section, correct?</p>
<p>If he continues to hit the top of the range, he can get 800/800/800 WITHOUT EXTRA KNOWLEDGE within a few tests :P</p>
<p>holy crap, you did 4 tests in 1 day?</p>
<p>It seems you cannot interpret things very well.
It’s three days.
Saturday, Sunday and Today (Monday)</p>
<p>i didnt do 4 tests in one day .I only did the CR sections of the 4 tests on Saturday.
Then the CR sections of 2 tests in Sunday and today the CR sections of the last 2 tests.</p>
<p>anhtimmy… test 1-4 saturday, test 5-6 sunday, test 7-8 test monday (today). Read the post again.</p>
<p>From the OP
<p>yes, CR sections from test 1-4. that would still be 4, right? i did not say 4 entire practice tests did i? please read more carefully.</p>
<p>read what more carefully? you said tests (in two separate posts, four times). he was completely right in assuming since you said tests, not CR sections. i think you should have just clarified.</p>
<p>judgment for anhtimmy</p>
<p>that’s my $.02!</p>
<p>i said 4 test in one day (saturday). anhtimmy thought the op took 4 tests throughout 3 days, but it was actually 8 tests. that is why i corrected him.</p>
<p>Last Saturday I did all the sections from the first 4 tests…</p>
<p>Sounded like you did 4 whole tests to me. </p>
<p>and lol, at you only getting one real answer, just people arguing about what you meant.</p>
<p>Yes , my bad.I forgot to add ''all the CR ‘’ sections from the first 4 tests.</p>
<p>u shouldn’t expect to raise ur scores any more 30 or 40 pts cuz ur brain needs to absorb from what u learn in those tests slowly.
did u review the Qs u’re shaky on?
i really don’t see the purpose of taking tests like crazy within a short amount of time~~
u need to review the Qs after u do the tests,regardless of right/wrong(unless u’re super confident), or else u probably won’t see much changes</p>